Opposite of to make a ruffle or curl in
Opposite of to disorder or disarrange the order or neatness of
Opposite of to annoy or irritate
Opposite of to make or become wrinkled
Opposite of to disconcert or cause to be confused
“We fail to understand exactly where this humor lies and would be much obliged if you would care to enlighten us.”
Opposite of to be, or cause to become, annoyed or irritated
Opposite of to form or cause to form tight folds
Opposite of to overawe someone, especially with words or facts they may not fully comprehend
“In attempting to elucidate the significance of this paradox, I want to proceed carefully.”
Opposite of a person or thing that causes annoyance or difficulty
Opposite of a crease, wrinkle or pucker, as on fabric
Opposite of something that causes irritation or frustration
Opposite of an ornamental accessory to a dress or other piece of clothing
Opposite of someone or something that is annoying or frustrating
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