Opposite of to fend off or defend against something hostile
Opposite of to cause a feeling of disgust or revulsion in
Opposite of to reject an approach, offer or proposition
Opposite of to rebuff or snub someone
Opposite of to block, deflect, or ward off
Opposite of to refuse or be unwilling to allow or grant
Opposite of to resist, particularly an infection or an emotion
Opposite of to rebuff, ignore, or spurn (someone) disdainfully
Opposite of to be displeasing to
“This fast-paced show is set to delight patrons in a town well known for its appreciation of quality productions.”
Opposite of to frustrate or prevent (someone) from achieving an aim
“I will do everything I can to assist you in all of your endeavors.”
Opposite of a discouraging response to an offer or approach
Opposite of an expression of unwillingness to accept an offer
Opposite of a comprehensive defeat in a competitive situation
Opposite of the refusal of something requested or desired
Opposite of a setback, or change for the worse
“At first, he had success against troops taken by surprise, but soon afterward, this fine and brilliant army was beaten near Ancona and were never able to rally again.”
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