Opposite of a tally of something, especially points in a game
Opposite of the conditions of an agreement
Opposite of topics in dispute, or up for debate
“Ari and Vincent would ignore the non-issues regarding his next lead role in a feature film.”
Opposite of elements or circumstances contributing to a result
“Together, each constituent contributes to the whole in its entirety.”
(sports) Opposite of a score or goal which results from a well-executed sequence of actions
“His execution was less than perfect, but he ended up with the point anyway.”
Opposite of plural for a very small dot or mark
Opposite of plural for an extreme limit beyond which something specified will happen
Opposite of plural for a narrow piece of land jutting out into the sea
Opposite of to establish a fact to be true
“Recent data disproves that unemployment has fallen to record lows.”
(point to) Opposite of to show as probable, or to call attention to
Opposite of to direct or face in a specific direction
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