(of a belief, opinion or state of mind) Opposite of not favorable
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Opposite of of less than average height from top to bottom, or to the top from the ground
“Link looked up and noted how high the Great Plateau Tower was.”
Opposite of situated near to, or below, the ground, the horizon, or sea level
“You will find the entrance to the cavern high in those mountains.”
Opposite of situated at a lower, or lowermost, level in comparison to someone or something else
“You might have to use a ladder to get to the top level.”
Opposite of significantly below an amount or level that is adequate
“Oliver insisted that he had plenty of water to drink, but his mother argued that it wasn't enough.”
Opposite of ranking below things in importance
“I know we tend to treat patients as they come, but this is a particularly urgent case.”
Opposite of ranking below other people or things in importance or class
“Dad felt that my aristocratic heritage and working-class lineage would make me an ideal political candidate.”
Opposite of depressed or lacking in energy
“He appears cheerful on the outside, but I suspect he may be hiding a painful secret.”
Opposite of weak or lacking in strength
“He said that his body felt strong and that he had never been in better shape.”
Opposite of low in audible volume
“We jumped up in fright when we heard a loud bang in the distance.”
Opposite of below average in price or cost
“Jay has a penchant for fast and expensive cars.”
Opposite of inferior to what is expected or desired
“You have procured some excellent products.”
Opposite of having little expectation of success or achievement
“Got to have high hopes for a living.”
(of a belief, opinion or state of mind) Opposite of not favorable
“My view on free agency is definitely a favorable one, though it is not without some concerns.”
Opposite of low in pitch or tone
“Michael explained that having multiple nose surgeries was beneficial for singing high notes.”
Opposite of contemptuous of what is right or honorable
“They were honorable men who had often put themselves before others like true altruists.”
(of art or culture) Opposite of considered to be inferior in quality and refinement
“He elevates anime to the realm of high art, expressing heavy psychological and sociological themes through creative animation.”
Opposite of dead, no longer alive or living
“All that matters to Jason Bourne is to be alive.”
Opposite of of, near, or relating to the equator
“He would undertake polar expeditions solo, despite repeated advice against such risky practice.”
Opposite of expressing subtlety of a particular quality as opposed to intense
“The others were ready to go, standing slowly and squinting against the intense light.”
Opposite of having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
Opposite of unable to be heard or not loud enough to be heard
Opposite of of a very small or negligible amount
Opposite of characterized by fullness, strength and depth, especially of sound
(British, of prices) Opposite of extremely low in price as to be competitive
“I would love to expand our agenda in our itinerary but our budget just won't afford us those experiences with exorbitant prices!”
Opposite of having an unkind or spiteful character or nature
“Clay was always nice to Hannah unlike the other kids at school who were mean to her.”
Opposite of not up to the required standard or quality
“Although its taste is barely acceptable, these meager rations were all the station dared supply.”
Opposite of a low point, level, or figure
“Hans experienced the peak of exhilaration when he went skydiving.”
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