Opposite of hesitant, or having doubts
Opposite of tentative or unsure in acting or speaking
Opposite of wavering between different opinions or actions
Opposite of hesitant or uncertain in nature or approach
Opposite of having a repugnance or opposition of mind
Opposite of not clearly expressed or pronounced
Opposite of weak of mind or will
Opposite of displaying a hesitant or reticent manner, especially in expressing oneself
“She is a forward person who cuts to the chase which sometimes can be quite confronting to students.”
(expediting) Opposite of present participle for to pause in indecision before doing something
“Foreign aid can also have a role, but only to expedite this growth once it starts.”
(proceeding) Opposite of present participle for to pause in indecision before doing something
“These applicants can now proceed with their application without having to fully register the land in their name.”
Opposite of present participle for to speak hesitatingly or with indecision
“Oma's first-hand experience allows her to articulate her points with great persuasion and authority.”
Opposite of present participle for to be reluctant to do something
“I'm the kind of person that would be willing to try anything.”
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