Opposite of suggestive of an exciting or glitzy lifestyle or environment
Opposite of having the power to captivate or attract
Opposite of having a strange, curious or mysterious nature
Opposite of elegant and luxurious
Opposite of strangely unique, typically in a striking or attractive way
Opposite of bright, colorful and showy in appearance
Opposite of of which all members or participants are celebrities or well-known
Opposite of very wondrous or romantic, like a fairy tale
Opposite of vivid or colorful in design or style
Opposite of full of, or suggestive of, glamour
“She meets the Rinpoche, who illuminates and exalts her small and insignificant life.”
Opposite of characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular style
Opposite of superficially attractive, stylish, and suggesting wealth
Opposite of suggestive of affluence or class
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