Opposite of physically strong and long-lasting
Opposite of permanent or constant in nature
Opposite of strengthened or made secure against attack
Opposite of strong enough to withstand rough work or treatment
Opposite of lasting throughout the year or through many years
Opposite of able to be depended or relied on
“Peter is an unreliable worker, and cannot be depended on to work autonomously from the team.”
Opposite of having existed for a long time
Opposite of capable of withstanding great physical force
“The house was built on fragile foundations.”
Opposite of springing back quickly when squeezed or stretched
“Using an inflexible material such as fiberglass on a structure that flexes under stress has real limitations.”
Opposite of permanent and never changing
Opposite of fulfilling its function adequately
Opposite of lasting and not likely to experience any sudden changes or failure
“House price to income ratios are higher than they otherwise would be and the housing market is unstable and prone to inefficient overshooting.”
Opposite of too powerful to be defeated or overcome
Opposite of stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
Opposite of solid and resistant to pressure
“The glass would fall, but not shatter, on the soft carpeted floor.”
Opposite of very tough or durable in construction
Opposite of manufactured items, especially those expected to have a relatively long useful life
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