Opposite of to put an end to something
Opposite of to draw to a close
“There is still plenty of topics to cover, and the discussion will continue tomorrow.”
Opposite of to give up or abstain from something
Opposite of to come to an end, or to disappear completely
“A strange vision would appear to him in his sleep, and he woke up believing he was a prophet.”
Opposite of to stop doing something
“One look around me confirmed for me that I wanted to continue along this career path.”
Opposite of to draw, or cause to draw, to a close
“They grow, break free from the host, and drop to the bottom of the water to begin an independent life.”
Opposite of to discontinue or no longer provide (something previously supplied or offered)
“While forgiveness might be good for the soul, it needs both sides to proffer that olive branch.”
Opposite of to stop operating
“You will need some batteries to get that little engine to work.”
Opposite of to stop attending or belonging to a particular organization or institution
“Instead of looking for work, Gary decided he would stay in university to do a post-graduate course.”
Opposite of to agree to give up or do without
Opposite of to obstruct or impede the progress of
“Developing coping skills is one way to facilitate young people's resilience.”
(separate oneself from) Opposite of to sever relations with
“Nelly attempted to not involve herself in their petty and often violent disputes.”
Opposite of to terminate or interrupt a connection between two systems
Opposite of to refuse to provide (as per usual)
“Billy's parents would overlook his misbehavior and supply his weekly pocket money to him regardless.”
Related Words and Phrases