Opposite of inclined to be generous or to show concern for others
Opposite of having an innately kind disposition or character
Opposite of beneficial to one's social or personal well-being
Opposite of generous and tireless with one's contributions of time, money, etc.
Opposite of noble and generous in spirit
Opposite of gentle and kind in nature or disposition
Opposite of having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles
“These evil deeds are the acts of a dishonest and immoral human being.”
(of an organization) Opposite of serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose
“Schmidt operated Nuvo as a Ponzi scheme to pay off earlier investors and maintain an illusion of a profitable venture.”
Opposite of advantageous, or providing benefit
Opposite of behaving in an honorable way, as a knight would
Opposite of significant in importance or esteem
“No offense, but your useless opinion on this matter isn't really required.”
Related Words and Phrases