Opposite of the act of attaching something, or the point where something is attached
“During surgery, we observed partial or complete detachment of the trapezoid and deltoid muscles from the lateral clavicle in all patients.”
Opposite of the act of adding or attaching an extra part or extension
“Before the removal of any mechanical parts, please refer to the manual first to avoid malfunction.”
Opposite of an extra part or extension that is or may be attached to something
“The body of the car was completely smashed and was considered a write-off.”
Opposite of a section or table of subsidiary matter at the end of a document
“When he opened the book, he noticed the body of the text was written in runic symbols.”
Opposite of affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something
“It showed itself in severity towards her children to some extent, but very much more in acrimony towards her mother.”
Opposite of the state of being devoted or loyal to someone or something
“His regret was for his baseless disloyalty to one who had saved the lives of every member of his party, and offered harm to none.”
Opposite of a relationship or affiliation with a person, group or situation
“A person holding miseducated views of his or her group may experience a sense of disconnection, alienation, and disaffiliation from the group.”
Opposite of legal seizure of property
“The preamble was amended to provide a reference to the restitution of property or to equitable redress.”
Opposite of a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important
Opposite of a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive
Opposite of close familiarity or friendship
Opposite of the action of confiscating or impounding property by warrant of legal right
Opposite of emotional or personal association with someone
“My experience with John is a very good way of learning how to change my aloofness with people.”
Opposite of an addiction or unhealthy need or craving for something
Opposite of a piece of equipment or furniture that is fixed in position in a building or vehicle
Opposite of denoting a strong feeling of emotional attachment
“He struggled with feelings of scorn and resentment towards his father who had neglected him during his childhood.”
Opposite of the state or quality of belonging to a place, group or community
Opposite of a small part on or attached to a piece of furniture or equipment
Opposite of the fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something
“His uninvolvement in the decision-making process deprives him of the information that is a key characteristic of a good decision.”
Opposite of reverence for something or someone
“His treason was considered blasphemy towards his king and country.”
Opposite of an item in addition to what is usual or strictly necessary
“Airbags are a necessity for any modern vehicle.”
Opposite of the action or process of adding something to something else
“Indeed, with the removal of certain elements, this dish could have been great!”
Opposite of a firm contact or grip
“Gary twisted his assailant's wrist, and the release of his weapon was swift.”
Opposite of the action or fact of forming a united whole
Opposite of something inserted, or the act of inserting something
“The movement was swift, and he experienced as much pain during the withdrawal of the needle as during its insertion.”
Related Words and Phrases