Another guy asked how he had managed to kill his players' superegos. |
The Bee Gees were only highly successful avatars of pure aural pleasure, so the superegos of music history and cultural memory neglect them. |
Yet automakers keep their most carefree models coming, banking on a time when superegos soar and buyers re-turn, eager to reaffirm the American dream of blowing too much money on a new car. |
With our ids, we enjoy his murderous ascent, we delight in his malapropisms and limitless appetites, and with our superegos we are satisfied by his inevitable fall, we feel a sense of superiority and relief. |
It's just that some of us are better than others at letting our superegos muffle our whiny ids. |
I could come in with a big hammer and smash everything up – being the son of a carpenter, I'd hammer in the morning and hammer in the evening – and with so many egos and superegos around, they had a vacancy for an id. |