Unfortunately, tritium is a notorious and ubiquitous contaminant, and an impurity in deuterated acetone. |
Although many nuclei can be fused, this subject normally refers to fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium or tritium to form helium. |
The three isotopes are sometimes known by the names of protium, deuterium, and tritium. |
Plutonium and highly enriched uranium and other heavy fissionable isotopes fall into this category, but tritium does not. |
Snag-free, 3-dot tritium sights and rustproof stainless steel construction round out a great carry gun. |
The most easily attained fusion reaction involves fusing nuclei of the two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, to make nuclei of helium. |
The optical sight works either by using ambient light or under low light conditions, from a battery or tritium insert. |
This particular arrangement of nucleons is unstable and so tritium readily undergoes radioactive decay to yield a helium atom. |
These products contain tiny glass vials filled with a radioactive gas such as tritium. |
That is, deuterium has twice the atomic mass of protium, and tritium has three times the atomic mass of protium. |
These also serve well as night sights with three tritium round dots, one on each side of the rear notch and one in the face of the front sight. |
If necessary, stocks of deuterium, tritium, hydrogen, and helium were supplied from on-board stores. |
Nuclear substances are also used in certain other products, such as smoke detectors and tritium exit signs. |
Gaps do exist in tritium environmental science, but they are not significant for people or the biosphere at current, low levels of exposure. |
The planned modification will involve an increase of the authorised discharge limits for gaseous tritium and for noble gases. |
In a vacuum it can fire a plasma blob at nearly 150km a second fast enough to initiate fusion in a deuterium and tritium fuel. |
This can be done using getter bed traps, or by oxidizing the tritium to HTO and removing it in conventional water traps. |
Yearto-year variation in tritium releases from the Darlington NGS was not well-represented in the tree ring record. |
Titanium getter beds are considered good practice for the long-term storage of tritium gas. |
One would expect elevated tritium levels only when deuterons are present and when sound waves produce cavitation, and that's what the Oak Ridge-RPI-RAS group found. |
Uranium getter beds for operational storage of tritium gas are widely used, and considered good practice. |
The average dose rate to soft tissues is directly proportional to the concentration of tritium in urine. |
Critics question how much strontium and cesium it will remove, and say tritium can lodge inside marine life, and therefore harm humans. |
It also releases neutrons, which engineers hope to use to make tritium and thus close the fuel cycle. Unfortunately, there is a fundamental snag. |
However, most of the unit operations have their own tritium abatement system on the outlet air. |
A disadvantage of this system is that a tritium bed that is normally the size of a teacup becomes as large as a gallon paint can. |
Elevated tritium levels in groundwaters are due to historical malfunctions and practices, or the washout of stack emissions. |
The author estimates the intake of tritium for three environments that have different levels of tritium. |
Operating the storage facilities will modify the radiological environment of wildlife species, particularly because of tritium releases. |
An undisclosed amount of tritium was released again into the ventilation system. |
These could also focus on specific additional questions like the use of HEU in civilian reactors, the naval reactors issue, tritium. |
First of all, the tritium levels in the drinking water of communities near nuclear power plants do not pose health risks. |
New generation highly ruggedised and impact resistant air-to-air refuelling drogues have been fitted with gaseous tritium lights with no wires or moving parts. |
The Commission further enquired on how a tube that may be releasing tritium or be prone to breakage would be handled. |
To make a more quantitative study of nuclear protein, a combination of tritium labeling, autoradiography, and micrurgy was performed with the amoeba cultures. |
An intervenor expressed concerns that SRBT does not perform a mass balance analysis of its tritium input and output. |
Although tritium can be a gas, its most common form is in water, because, like non-radioactive hydrogen, radioactive tritium reacts with oxygen to form water. |
Each week, the Tritium Removal Facility produces a few millilitres of liquefied tritium gas. |
It is possible to design tritium handling rigs to remove all the tritium from vessels and pipe work by reabsorbing onto getter beds. |
Once in the body, tritium water is uniformly distributed in the body water and can then irradiate live tissue. |
In your research have you came across any non-cancerous effects due to tritium, such as pancreatitis? |
It has been developed to continuously sample the volumetric activity of noble gas and tritium in a radioactive effluent gaseous sample. |
An unusual finding was that haematopoietic death prevailed over the gastrointestinal syndrome following the exposure to radiation from tritium. |
The neutrons are generated by bombarding a heavy form of hydrogen, called tritium, with a lighter isotope of the gas, called deuterium. |
These differences are best illustrated by the three isotopes of hydrogen: protium, deuterium and tritium. |
Fractions were collected and tritium quantified with a scintillation counter. |
Adaptive responses to ionizing radiation, bystander effects, biological radiation dosimetry, tritium in the environment, ecobiodosimetry. |
For a 30-year old woman having ingested this water all of her life the number of tritium disintegrations would be about 8 per ovule. |
Waste from nuclear weapons decommissioning is unlikely to contain much beta or gamma activity other than tritium and americium. |
The inside of the tubes is coated with a fluorescent powder, which glows as a result of the ionizing radiation of the tritium gas. |
I'd be leery of applying a ball-peen hammer to a sight with tritium inserts or the LaserLyte rear sights that have a built-in laser. |
A factory was established in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada, where tritium supplies are readily available. |
Use of uranium getter beds for operational storage of tritium gas. |
It is highly ominous that the production of tritium for hydrogen bombs, which stopped in 1988, is to start up again and that a new factory manufacturing plutonium parts for atom bombs is to be built. |
Its divertor will expose to tritium environment and neutron radiation. |
Other radioactive materials, like tritium, pass quickly through the body. |
The thermonuclear bomb-pulse is clearly preserved in the tritium profile. |
The goal of the research is to expand the body of knowledge on tritium and to further enhance regulatory oversight of tritium-related activities in Canada. |
However, the Commission does not view that this situation is an indication that SRBT is not qualified to carry on activities related to processing and using tritium. |
No association was detected for external whole body dose, tritium dose, or radon exposures, or for any of the preconception or prediagnosis periods of exposure. |
Several initiatives have been undertaken to reduce doses from tritium, including more frequent replacement of desiccant in dryer units and improvement of the material condition of dryer systems. |
In all cases, tritium releases are strictly controlled and represent a small fraction of regulatory limits and, therefore, do not represent a risk to people's health or the environment. |
The argon gas in the glove box is continuously recycled through a titanium getter bed, which removes oxygen, nitrogen, water vapour, hydrogen and tritium. |
The staff at the Tritium Laboratory at Chalk River believes that the diffusion of tritium from the getter bed contributes a significant amount to the tritium concentration in the secondary containment glove box. |
For example, a nursing infant raised on a dairy farm near a facility releasing tritium may drink local milk, whereas another infant may drink formula prepared with local well water. |
Non-radiological effects from tritium such as transmutation and isotopic effects are likely, but if they do occur, it would not be possible to distinguish their effects from those of radiation. |
They admit, however, that among the toxins inevitably left behind is tritium, a low-level contaminant with a half-life of about 12 years. Mr Klein insists discharge is the least-bad solution. |
Commercially, tritium is used in Canada for the production of self-luminescent lights and paints, including exit signs, airport runway lights, watch dials and gun sights. |
The SRBT representative provided details regarding these improvements, including not operating the reclamation unit and ceasing processing tritium during the occurrence of any type of precipitation. |
The big thing with fusion is that the deuterium and lithium, which is used to make tritium, used in the fusion process are available in vast amounts-they are abundant in the earth and in the sea. |
The fusion of deuterium and tritium into helium in this way releases energy enough of it, in theory, both to power the reactor and to yield a surplus that can be converted into electricity. |
In principle, nuclear energy may be generated both by the fission of very heavy atomic nuclei such as uranium or plutonium and by the fusion of very light atomic nuclei such as deuterium or tritium. |
At ITER, fusion will be the combination of two of these light atoms, deuterium and tritium, to form a more stable heavy atom, helium, and a neutron, both of which carry kinetic energy. |
In a typical two-stage weapon, the fissile materials detonate first to compress and heat the fusion fuels, such as hydrogen isotopes tritium and deuterium, to tens of millions of degrees. |
The intervenor further noted that tritium behaviour in the atmosphere is not easily predicted and thus SRBT should not be allowed to operate outside of a closed system, within close proximity of a residential area. |
One example consists of polystyrene labeled with tritium that emits beta particles. |
If one of these devices gets banged around and broken, the tritium can leak out. |
At the time it had detected tritium at around eight times the allowed level, or 500,000 becquerels per litre. |
Five quenched standards of tritium were also produced. |
The 240 laser beams will converge and concentrate their energy on a microbead just a few millimetres in diameter composed by deuterium and tritium. |
Indeed the whole chapter and the recommendation at the end to reduce tritium emissions are written without any indication of the dosimetric implications of the releases. |
He proposed to use lithium-6 deuteride, which would make tritium and facilitate deuterium-tritium fusion reactions. |
As a result of elevated levels of tritium in the groundwater in the vicinity of the stack, the CNSC has imposed a more stringent tritium release limit for SRB Technologies as a licence condition. |
Health Effects, dosimetry and Radiological Protection of Tritium CNSC staff conducted a comprehensive review and assessment of radiation protection principles and practices specific to tritium. |
Samples of water from the holding tank were analyzed for soluble and total alpha, soluble and total beta particles, strontium-90, tritium, cesium-137 and uranium. |
The ionizing radiation from tritium is a beta particle. |
There is confusion here between the decay energy of the tritium beta particle and the pattern of energy deposited along the beta particle track in tissue. |
The oxidation of tritium gas and the adsorption of the resulting water vapour onto molecular sieves are also well understood, and can be integrated into the process at the design stage. |
This working group would also examine the possibility of conducting additional dose response studies to assess the effect of tritium radiation on significant endpoints such as cancer. |
The neutron source is usually a high-voltage vacuum tube containing a miniature particle accelerator that bombards a metal hydride target with deuterium and tritium ions. |
As noted above, the measured values for tritium and carcinogenesis, which do not differ substantially from unity and which are the relevant values, do not support this contention. |
Adults are twice as likely as previously thought to develop cancer after being exposed to tritium and this particular tritium was discharged by a factory. |
The results of these investigations show enhanced levels of tritium in fish and mussels caught close to an industrial facility manufacturing radioactive materials for use in medicine, research and industry. |
Because tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half-life of about twelve years, nuclear disarmament does not abolish the need for new production, it only delays it. |
This report reviews the literature on environmental fate and behaviour of tritium in the atmosphere, including tritium transfer to and behaviour in the hydrological environment. |
An electrolyser is a critical component of the system used in the removal of tritium from water, thus preventing it from finding its way into lakes and streams. |
There is therefore a wealth of expert experience and knowledge on the levels and behaviour of tritium in the environment, on its behaviour in humans and its radiological hazards. |
Water samples are collected from the wells periodically and tested for parameters such as: major ions and cations, metals, volatile organic compounds, pesticides and tritium. |
Deuterium was discovered in December 1931 by Harold Urey, and tritium was prepared in 1934 by Ernest Rutherford, Mark Oliphant, and Paul Harteck. |
Boris and 10 others, uses tritium that is part of the solid amino acid valine. |
One of the major issues identified to date is the need for an assessment of the amount of tritium remaining in the waste and of the outgassing. |
There were about 80 deuteriums for every million protiums, and virtually no tritium. |
During the early study of radioactivity, various heavy radioactive isotopes were given their own names, but such names are no longer used, except for deuterium and tritium. |
Nuclear fusion reactors use tritium as a fuel together with deuterium. |
The Tritium Truck heads north off the main highway, and following a series of country roads comes to a gravel access road. |
Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years and emits a very weak beta particle. |
Tritium was discovered by physicists Ernest Rutherford, M.L. Oliphant, and Paul Harteck, in 1934, when they bombarded deuterium with high-energy deuterons. |
The flexible and versatile 298 Tritium Trayshrink Packer is ideal for co-packers who need to respond to customers with a variety of packaging needs. |