Don't act like you've never heard a swear word before, the lot of you are walking dictionaries. |
I swear to you, if my father starts wearing his beige and brown leisure suit again, I will make the fashion mavens responsible for this pay. |
As I tucked into this steaming Bunter-sized platter out on the darkening waters, I swear I heard the seals give a loud bark of disapproval. |
Call me by that scurvy name one more time, and ye'll be walking the plank, I swear it! |
So, we were playing obscene Scrabble with double points for swear words and cocktail names. |
My daughter will scold me if I swear in front of her though, so she's keeping me in line. |
She made me swear on pain of death that I'd go to a salon in Newcastle the morning of the event and get my hair put up by a specialist. |
There was a warm fire burning cheerfully nearby, and he could swear there were more voices nearby. |
If foul language could be banned in schools then perhaps we could hear people talking English with out hearing swear words in every sentence. |
They would have been on time, ma'am, I swear, if it hadn't been for my carelessness. |
So I'll do a quick-and-dirty edit on the video and throw it up tomorrow, I swear. |
There was even a provision requiring new nationals to swear an oath of loyalty to the Republic. |
The husband assumes the name of Ray Carter and makes Hester swear that she will conceal his identity. |
The Anglo-Saxons used oaths not only to swear fealty to feudal lords, but also to ensure honesty during legal proceedings and transactions. |
I swear she was smirking and then, to rub my nose in it, she went off and snuggled down for the night. |
She doesn't have a job and isn't allowed to go out, so she fills the long hours every day by teaching her kids how to swear. |
He had to swear an oath to the baron, duke or earl, collect taxes when told to do so and provide soldiers from his land when they were needed. |
He said that any fool could bet on a busted flush in poker, or swear that black is white, but that isn't a classic lie. |
The calming sound of sea waves lapping the boardwalk, they swear, is the ultimate antidote to urban stress. |
He deliberately let Dave in on a company secret, making him swear he wouldn't tell a soul. |
French Connection cannot own every derivative or anagram of an Anglo-Saxon swear word. |
And I may not be an expert, but I could swear it is far quieter within the protective leafy screen. |
I swear I spent a large portion of those years totally zonked out of my head. |
The yuppie crowds love the concept and organisers swear that these events are extremely popular. |
I wear fine leather boots now, bought on the High Street and I look like a real lady, I swear. |
She refused to take her seat, for she would have had to swear allegiance to the King. |
The range of swear words in the modern English-speaking world is tiny, as you know. |
This is my best chance and I swear that if you ruin it there will be a reckoning! |
Witnesses swear that starving Indians' land is illegally reallotted and sold. |
It's staring at me and I swear I saw a fine set of razor-sharp teeth as it grinned at me. |
Finally, she had admitted that she used swear words, although she had said in interview that she did not. |
You'd swear they had the weight of the world on their shoulders, rather, in many cases the relatively trivial trials of a town council. |
I tell you, I swear, you've been on my mind for years, and you're driving me crazy. |
I swear we all went into this because we like people and most importantly the idea of healing you is very rewarding. |
I swear she was wearing a beret and striped tights, but I might be imagining that. |
This is about brand-name birth control drugs and other devices that some consumers swear off because they are too expensive. |
I wake up with a walloping hangover and swear never to drink again. |
It just shocked me, I swear I would have a chauffeur if I could ever afford one. |
A generous sprinkling of pepper may also provide a deterrent, and many owners swear by a harmless squirt of water from a well-aimed hose or water pistol. |
As a result, a witness can request to affirm, rather than swear. |
If any person arrived at the age of discretion profanely curse or swear or get drunk in public, he shall be fined by a justice one dollar for each offense. |
At the Ancient Olympics, contestants were obliged to swear an oath on a slice of boar's meat that they had not employed magic to enhance their performances. |
I swear I saw him taking a sneaky blast from a small bottle of something warming when he thought no-one was watching, and he had a distinct wobble to his gait. |
Native plants are preferable, but many hummer enthusiasts swear by exotics such as single varieties of fuchsia, as well as lantana and red-hot poker. |
I have some rusty woodsias and I swear they look just like another fern. |
This kind of hangs off the back of our resolution of assuming that people who swear by their console are either 12 years old or in regression therapy. |
Moreover, like the Anabaptists, they interpreted the commandments of the Sermon of the Mount literally and so refused to bear arms or to swear oaths. |
I swear it leaves off then, to resume work somewhere in my abdomen, causing the most uncomfortable swelling and, eventually, making it harder and harder to breath. |
He sent her a little wave and I swear she levitated off the ground. |
Many people believe in the power of chocolate as an aphrodisiac, while others swear by a certain perfume or cologne to ignite desire in the sought-after other. |
And I've never had good results trying to make cake batter in a food processor, though all the companies swear you can do it. |
But the right's attempt at making the L-word the equivalent of a swear alienated too many people and gave them a cause, martyred the numerous innocent. |
Elter is taken with the action of Love's Labours Lost, wherein a group of nobles swear off wine, women, and all pleasure in order to pursue their studies. |
I could swear I saw Stephen Murray do tabletop backflips years ago. |
Some parents swear by teething rings that your baby can chew on. |
As they spoke, I could almost swear Hank was slipping into a John Wayne impersonation. |
Other highlights include the banana kick that old-timers swear they saw during a grand final in the late 1940s, a couple of decades before such a kick was said to be invented. |
I swear all the good-looking guys are batting for the other team. |
To swear the sensory intermediaries or observation sentences into truthfulness then, one has to capitulate to sensationalism or phenomenalism and forget physicalism. |
Anglican clergy were obliged to swear allegiance to the king as well as to pray for the king, the royal family, and the British Parliament. |
On 13 April 1534, More was asked to appear before a commission and swear his allegiance to the parliamentary Act of Succession. |
I swear by All-hallows that I will not let any have it to hire, nor will I sell it, since thou hast made it holy by dwelling therein. |
The ordeal offered an alternative for those unable or unwilling to swear an oath. |
It was assumed that any person of good character would be able to find enough people to swear to his innocence that his case would prosper. |
Only President Franklin Pierce has chosen to affirm rather than swear at his inauguration. |
However, Harald had to swear an oath that he would not claim the title of king as long as Sigurd or his son was alive. |
Without regard to age or gender, those who did not swear allegiance to him were slain. |
Soon after Huascar claimed the throne, he expected all subjects to swear him allegiance. |
And if I didn't know better, I'd swear she just had a very uncomputerlike burst of pure, creative thought! |
The tribunal also has notaries who swear in witnesses and commit their testimony to writing. |
In 1665, at the start of the war, the British and Scotch Brigades of the Dutch army had been ordered to swear loyalty to the Stadtholder. |
But that does not mean that I swear by every verse that is printed in the book described as Manusmriti. |
You do swear by Almighty God to be a true and faithful Servant unto The Queen's Majesty as one of Her Majesty's Privy Council. |
The newest member would be blindfolded and made to swear a secret oath of allegiance. |
Are you ready to swear that you saw a white man sjamboking a baby, as well as its mother? |
But these confabulated, sockdologizing tins refuse to warm up. I swear they are doing it to perversely annoy me. |
I swear, if I had been drinking my Starbucks today it would have gone up my nose. |
One of these days, he thinks he will swear off his nightly television regimen and get some exercise. |
When I heard swear words from the next room, I decided to keep my distance. |
I swear, this whole thing sounds like we're talking about some hillbilly trailer park trash. |
That's the umpteenth time I've had to tell him not to swear in front of the children. |
You could put a Wirralian and a Boltonian in the same railway compartment and swear that they came from opposite poles of the old empire. |
Lord love you, I'd swear it was worth a Jew's eye. Indeed, no money can compensate me for its loss. |
I swear to God, Hannah, Haley had entered that youngin in an open jumper class for children. |
Players around the league will swear special t-shirts during their warmups for tonight's game to promote Cardiac Risk in the Young. |
I swear it, she was lipless, it was the lipstick that painted imaginary ones on, maybe that's why she was so pale, to hide her liplessness. |
Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? |
Our pros swear by blue spruce and grapefruit for energy, or ylang ylang to help you relax. |
Quakers were frequently imprisoned because of their refusal to swear loyalty oaths. |
Yes, it would be nice if football's perennial tosspots started to realise that they don't need to dive and swear at refs and act arrogantly. |
Elizabeth became queen at the age of 25, and declared her intentions to her Council and other peers who had come to Hatfield to swear allegiance. |
Those who saw Rani Mukherjee glowing at the Bachchans' Diwali party swear she has never been happier. |
If it were just a shade greener and you were wearing a kagoul instead of sun cream, you'd swear you were back in Blighty. |
This ensures that officers and enlisted men swear an oath to a politically neutral head of state, and not to a politician. |
Armed conflict was avoided because York lacked aristocratic support and was forced to swear allegiance to Henry. |
They honk, point and whistle. You swear and give them the old one-finger salute. |
Or should you swear it off in the name of better cholesterol? |
The bishops of Lichfield still swear allegiance to the crown on the Lichfield Gospels. |
My family at times seem to think they are aristocrats, at other times I swear I can hear the muffled sound of dueling banjos. |
They were like Stepford Wives with their fake smiles, I swear I thought they were machines. |
With that, he began to swear and call me a chate, and threaten me with the police. |
As well as the Military the UK Police forces also swear allegiance only to the Monarch, not the Government. |
You do swear by Almighty God to be a true and faithful Servant unto the Queen's Majesty, as one of Her Majesty's Privy Council. |
What? Go and do some work for heaven's sake. Stop moping. I swear Ross, I have never met anyone in my life more impossibly moansome. |
It really was pimp-a-riffic. Straight out of a vintage porno, I swear to God. |
If you refuse, I'll have you killed on the spot and I swear I will ravage every island with fire and steel. |
The Declaration of Independence was followed by the Test Laws, which required all colonists to swear allegiance to the state in which they lived. |
All clergy of the Church swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking office. |
He paddled back to shore immediately with a great daft, lollopy grin on his face, and I swear that he was looking proud of himself. |
Then, over a crackling radio, John Peel played Spacemen 3's Hypnotized and I swear the car shimmered and I discovered what music could be. |
Many of my patients swear by the Bambach saddle seat, shaped like a horse's saddle and devised by a man who suffered back pain himself. |
Listeners were shocked to hear Moore, 49, swear at radio co-host Mark Saggers as France won 19-12 in yesterday's quarter final. |
After his conquest of Gaul, Julius Caesar looks over the sea and resolves to order Britain to swear obedience and pay tribute to Rome. |
He blabbered away about how he knew where some treasure was hidden and he would tell us if only we would swear to save his life. |
Nine new Republican senators will swear their oaths of office. |
By the way Bill, exactly what color is the sun in your world? You are so far out there I swear you're going to get a nosebleed from the altitude alone. |
Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. |
The Act of Supremacy 1534 confirmed the King's status as having supremacy over the church and required the peers to swear an oath recognising Henry's supremacy. |
Free men without landed property could swear fealty to a man of property who as their lord would then be responsible for their upkeep, including generous feasts and gifts. |
To placate critics, the Oath of Supremacy which peers were required to swear, gave the monarch's title as Supreme Governor rather than Supreme Head of the church. |
Two days later, in Upsettlington, the Guardians of the Realm and the leading Scottish nobles gathered to swear allegiance to King Edward I as Lord Paramount. |
This is the earliest surviving written agreement between an English king and a Welsh ruler, and under its terms Llywelyn was to swear fealty and do homage to the king. |
Northern Ireland police do not swear an oath to the monarch. |
Grimm was selected for the office in a large part because of his part in the University of Goettingen's refusal to swear to the king of Hanover expounded upon above. |
In 1258, seven leading barons forced Henry to swear to uphold the Provisions of Oxford, superseded, the following year, by the Provisions of Westminster. |
The things you say, Jake McCullough, I swear, you'd make the angels blush! |
Because of the war, distrust toward foreigners led to the obligation on the part of this last category to swear a civil oath in order to gain French nationality. |
He required its leaders to swear to restore to the empire any towns or territories they might reconquer from the Turks on their way to the Holy Land. |
All swear to the Pentecostal Oath as a guide for knightly conduct. |
We witness it daily in way people argue or swear in public or dress scruffily in a manner better suited to lounging on the settee than walking the streets. |
I swear by my Petit Larousse when it comes to learning French. |
Members to swear allegiance to their constituents and the nation and to pledge to uphold the law rather than one pledging personal allegiance to the serving Monarch. |
To placate critics, the Oath of Supremacy which nobles were required to swear, gave the monarch's title as Supreme Governor rather than Supreme Head of the church. |
While Helen tells Priam about the Greek commanders from the walls of Troy, both sides swear a truce and promise to abide by the outcome of the duel. |
He discovered it during one return journey home, to a time where I'd grown out of a training bra and learned some new swear words, ones his docker pals hadn't even heard. |
The Act of Supremacy 1534 confirmed the King's status as having supremacy over the church and required the nobility to swear an oath recognising Henry's supremacy. |