Sentence Examples
Her researches lead her to a Viennese brothel where the aged madam reveals the secret of the painting. |
As she becomes more emotionally involved the little madam becomes mercilessly manipulative and demanding. |
Perhaps it will ease Eleanor's leaving if I were to give this to you, madam. |
While I agree with most of your points, madam, I'm afraid you do not speak unaffectedly of love. |
You're well informed, madam, I must say, for living in such a remote location as you do. |
As you can see madam, this is a very desirable terraced property close to all local amenities. |
I mean no offense, madam, but it is obvious from your speech patterns that you were not born in this country. |
For its madam, it's a reputable house of ill repute, the seemingly incongruous respectable brothel. |
Most certainly, this dainty little madam busted out of garden cultivation to spread fast and loose. |
London's greatest beauty and most notorious madam employs the services of a disgraced Bow Street Runner to keep her safe from a stalker. |
The most notorious madam of the era was one Elizabeth Hayward who ran bagnios with a rare wit. |
The 45-year-old mother of four is a millionaire entrepreneur who made her fortune as a brothel madam on the Kalgoorlie goldfields. |
We crept into an antechamber lined with red velvet and faced a woman who appeared the archetypical brothel madam. |
If you like I could always send a note to Eileen, the madam of the brothel, getting her to collaborate my story. |
In addition to good managerial skills, a successful madam needed the cooperation of the police and other local authorities. |
I must confess, madam, that I have never been too fond of the countryside. |
Equally, though supporting players such as Gillian Anderson as a viperous madam go heavy on the ham, the leads play it admirably straight. |
The first belongs to an old madam sitting in her brothel doorway, the prophet and inheritor of unending violence. |
Feeling suddenly mortal, the old curmudgeon decides to accept the depraved offer made many years before by his longtime madam. |
I am afraid, madam, that his grace will not be able to see you today. |
Now, young madam, let me wager a month's salary that you, like so many of our sisters these days, are the proud and confident wearer of the latest hipsters. |
Surprising, then, that Kelly claims she was a little madam as a child. |
I tried to talk to my mother, she saw it only as my trying to move back to London to live with my grandparents and basically told me I was a snotty little madam. |
Her chance came in this 15 th-century tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas about a madam at a brothel who agrees to help a nobleman seduce a young virgin. |
Forget for a moment the season's immoral spending and hear the tale of the Edinburgh madam whose brothel was a thorn in the side of the residents of upmarket Stockbridge. |
A few years ago I became a madam, running a string of girls of my own. |
In lower courts, judges are addressed as sir, madam or the Urdu equivalent Janab. |
To make up the match with my eldest daughter, my wife's dilling, whom she longs to call madam. |
The madam claimed that the majority of licensed parlours were operating as houses of ill repute. |
Selina kept pushing and shoving during musical chairs. The nursery school teacher said she was a bad-tempered little madam. |
Howbeit we have not yet been able to overtake young madam, we may account it some good fortune that we have hitherto traced her course aright. |
First off, Jordan and her funny little husband Peter Andre were in the city this week on business, and madam lost no time in explaining the superior firepower of their own reality TV documentary over a planned Beckham effort. |
I'm sick of hearing about this mixedup madam, memorably described as the greatest clothes-horse since Cleopatra. |
So, madam, just as soon as you stop swithering, open your thrifty and buy my place, then we shall sugar off and leave you in peace. |
Nay, misconceive me not, madam, when I say I have had a gen'rous and a faithful passion, which you had never favoured, but through revenge and policy. |
One of the buildings on the north side was the house of Lucky Spence, a notorious brothel madam, remembered in Allan Ramsay's poem, Lucky Spence's Last Advice. |
Level, madam and racecar are examples of single word palindromes. |
Examples from Classical Literature
She sent for me and asked if I could find 'er a lady's bicycle, an' Greenaway was very 'appy to lend 'er 'ers, madam. |
The simple matter is, dear madam, you have been under a hallucination all along. |
Remember, my dear madam, all I have been telling you reached myself as hearsay. |
He was better than his word for he brought not only the madam, but her rocking chair and a book. |
His mother was my cousin-german, madam, and I cannot say how soon I may call him my nephew. |
And I humbly thank you, madam or miss, for having got them set to the musics. |
With these cautions I waited on madam bombasine, of whom the first sight gave me no ravishing ideas. |
Me neem is Costigan, madam, a poor gentleman of Oireland, binding to circumstances and forced to follow a disagrayable profession. |
I shall be at your service, madam, when that empiric has given the patient up. |
When you and your father, madam, start tomorrow for Tepic, my friends and myself will set out for San Francisco. |
Dear madam, I am so hungry that like Nebuchadnezzar I just had to take to eatin' grass. |
Stun their ears, madam, with the suddenness of your imploration, and let the voice come from your heart. |
From the foresaid party, madam, that would keep the foresaid land out of the foresaid lords fingers. |
Indeed, it was in pursuance of it I have been so persevering in my attempts to see you, madam. |
I beg, madam, that you will enter, said ds voice in the outer room. |
Yes, madam, I dont know why you and I should have a falling-out. |
You shall have none, madam, henceforward, from Harry Ormond. |
Yes, madam,' says Robin, 'I had done it before now, if the teasers here had not worried my by way of interruption. |
But, madam, were you not saying something to me about Miss hunter? |
What was your name, madam, before your marriage to Mr. speir? |
No, no, madam, the poor man's inclinable enough to lie still. |
This little madam is a spoiled brat with too much money and even less sense. |
No, madam, replied she, I am not needlewoman enough for that. |
Will you, madam, grant me the favour of accompanying you to Parma? |
I heard it, madam, from Mr Eggleston himself, who has long known it. |
If he's courtin', he's makin' up to some young madam of a robin that lives among th' old rose-trees there. |
I couldn't, madam,' she said when Mrs. gaster asked her to stay. |
And you, madam, the disposition to gratify his hopes, I fancy. |
I would no more dishonour my family, madam, than my brother would. |
You, madam, shall see all the letters that have passed between us. |
Why, madam, a blow like this would set a frog into a transpiration. |
Did you notice the pretty madam, your vis-a-vis at dejeuner? |
I do not know what you mean, madam, by alteration in Mr. Vivian! |
Well, I've got to take the madam and the young folks over to the casino. |
I hope you and the madam and the childers are all very well, the day. |
He knew you, madam, and was resolved to countermine you in all your plots. |
None the less, madam, I am a man in the city and in the savanna. |
Do be frank, madam, and spare me the pain of self-inflicted severity. |
I am very sensible, madam, of the hardship to my fair cousins, and could say much on the subject, but that I am cautious of appearing forward and precipitate. |