The fumigation and oxygenation apparatus comprises a large stone jar with a glass funnel and a pipe leading into the room. |
Do not fumigate a greenhouse adjoining a dwelling without notifying the occupants before fumigation. |
Even we do not use irrigation and fumigation to our field used for growing senna. |
He had literally begged his landlord to pay for the pest control and fumigation. |
But the city budget will only allocate money for the dengue eradication campaign, which includes fumigation. |
Severely infested grains and cheese usually require fumigation to achieve control of these pests. |
Insects such as ants, mealy bugs and thrips have been found in 37 out of 43 shipments, which then needed fumigation. |
The leaves might provide home fumigation, wood rat style, the researchers speculate. |
Have the housing unit cleaned upon vacating by fumigation, deodorizing, professional carpet cleaning, or other method appropriate under the circumstances. |
In such cases measures to minimise emissions, such as the use of virtually impermeable films for soil fumigation, should be specified. |
The quarantine facility or centre must be bird, fly and vermin proof and sealable so as to permit fumigation. |
As a China-based manufacturer, the sitting herbal fumigation therapy capsule is one of the beauty equipment we manufacture and supply. |
Methyl bromide is a chemical used in soil fumigation and in the fumigation of some food storage and production facilities. |
In cases where a possible accord is pending, these communities should not be subjected to aerial fumigation, the Ombudsman concluded. |
The fumigation has also been criticized because of harm to the environment. |
The sitting herbal fumigation therapy capsule provides steam and herbal therapy, herbal fumigation and water massage. |
Finally Shyam bit the bullet and decided to get the fumigation done. |
A significant fact was that the house was tented with a fumigation tent. |
The local government has tried to prevent the spread of the disease by warning people about the dangers of dengue fever, fumigation, and eliminating mosquito-breeding places. |
The director of the UNHCR explained that her office is following the cases of some 1,000 people displaced by aerial fumigation in the department of Putumayo alone. |
India agreed to extend temporary measures to allow port-of-arrival fumigation of Canadian pulses for six months and committed to a further six-month extension if necessary. |
That includes certain requirements for certification of fumigation and quarantine requirements which have to be carried out in the exporting country rather than in New Zealand. |
A less than ideal drying environment encourages the proliferation of pests in the bark, which may then require treatment by fumigation. |
My attempts at fumigation failed to stop the rats from reinfesting the barn. |
Some people have tried different methods of fumigation. |
Every ship carrying grain which is under fumigation shall declare to the nearest traffic control centre the nature of the fumigant, its properties and cargo holds affected. |
If the split peas have been fumigated the supplier shall, on delivery, provide the beneficiary or his representative with a fumigation certificate. |
He reached agreement with Colombia's president, Álvaro Uribe, to allow some aerial fumigation of coca crops near the border between the two countries. |
Discussions also arose regarding fumigation in national parks. |
This depends individually on the way of fumigation and the fumigant used. |
The guerrillas' strength led U. S. officials to determine that, due to security concerns, the contractor-and-police fumigation model could not be duplicated in Putumayo. |
Fumigation is a method by which ethanol is introduced in to engine by carbureting or vaporizing the ethanol into the intake stream. |