Color is variable and can range from jet black dorsally with a lighter underbelly to a uniform light gray. |
The dorsal ligament groove is overlain dorsally and flanked laterally by the nacreous middle shell layer. |
The previous day her mild dorsally angulated distal radial fracture had been manipulated under a Bier block in the emergency department. |
Its fibers pass dorsally from an extensive anterior attachment to insert on the pharyngeal raphe, the pharyngeal tubercle of the occipital bone. |
The central canal and surrounding gray matter appear as though pushed dorsally by the decussating bundles of axons. |
In addition to osteophytic overgrowth, the ligamentum flavum may stiffen and buckle into the spinal cord dorsally. |
Viewed dorsally, this ridge is most of the prefrontals ' contribution to the skull roof. |
After the summer moult, the crabeater seal is dark brown dorsally and grades to blonde ventrally. |
It exhibits the ventral side of the body but the carapace is removed and dorsally visible. |
The sheath of thin bony plates extends beyond the head to form spines dorsally and ventrally. |
Sandwiched between the two jaw rami is the left splenial, which has become detached and has been displaced slightly dorsally. |
Numerous tiny vascular foramina perforate the surface of the maxilla, especially anteriorly and dorsally. |
The telencephalon of living reptiles and birds is expanded laterally, so that it has a distinct heart-shape when viewed dorsally. |
The capitate processes are small and visible through the supratemporal fenestrae dorsally, fitting within fossae in the postorbitals. |
The distal end of the pterygoid contacts the squamosal dorsally and the quadrate medially. |
Also, the incisiform teeth appear to project slightly anteriorly, whereas the occlusal surface of the cheek teeth face dorsally. |
Lividity is distributed dorsally, is the usual violaceous color, and blanches with light pressure. |
This animal swims to escape predators by repeatedly flexing its body dorsally and ventrally. |
The supraoccipital contacts the parietals of the skull table dorsally and the exoccipitals ventrally. |
These commarginal lirae broadly tongue dorsally across plicae and ventrally across interspaces. |
In multiple-male matings, males amplex females dorsally, ventrally, and dorsolaterally. |
In insects, as in all arthropods, the main nerve cord lies ventrally, rather than dorsally as in vertebrates. |
As this margin inclines dorsally, it sweeps around in a distally concave arc to produce a rounded, distally pointing extremity adjacent to the dorsal margin. |
The tail of bulldog bats runs through the uropatagium for about half the length of the membrane, then exits dorsally, and the terminal part of the tail is free. |
The crenulations are either dorsally open or represent filled structures. |
The single-chambered heart is enclosed in a pericardial sinus and is located dorsally, above the gut. |
Attempts are made to scrape the surface epithelium of the upper oesophagus and pharynx by movements directed laterally and dorsally. |
Miloradovich also recognized these cardinal process types, and noted that the median lobe of the massive, trifid cardinal process often is recurved dorsally. |
Fully developed caterpillars are dark-green dorsally and pale-yellow ventrally with blackishbrown heads and pale-brown legs. |
Covered with large scales, lake whitefish are silver on their sides and greenish-brown to almost black dorsally, with a silvery-white underside. |
Their coloration is metallic-blue dorsally, becoming a lighter silver on their flanks, and silvery-white on their underside. |
Oval or circular and flattened, coming to a point dorsally but lacking the long dorsal stalk of other spider mites. |
The B. bonaerensis's coloration is distinctive: dark grey dorsally and white beneath, with steaks or lobes of intermediate shades on the sides. |
The Northern Madtom is a mottled olive-gray colour dorsally with three dark saddle bands. |
There is some evidence to support the use of external fixation for dorsally displaced fractures of the distal radius in adults. |
The valves are attached to each other dorsally by an elastic hinge ligament. |
It's the bivalve mollusk, which has a laterally compressed body and an external shell consisting of two dorsally hinged valves. |
During the surgery, care must be taken to protect the branches of the superficial and radial nerves that dorsally overlie the first dorsal compartment. |
During expiration, contraction of the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis muscles draw the pubic plates dorsally, decreasing abdominal volume. |
Each leads dorsally to a rhomboid sinus between the basioccipital and exoccipital, which also communicates with the posterior ramus of the median canal. |
Notably, the oldest known Early Cambrian chordate Yunnanozoon had its metameric muscular units located dorsally of the notochord, although its body was laterally compressed. |
The skull is now quite flat, and much flatter ventrally than dorsally. |
Gastrulation begins dorsally with involution of deep blastoderm cells to form an outer epiblast and inner hypoblast. |
Lateral ethmoid with cartilaginous condyle for articulation with lacrimal, supported dorsally and ventrally by osseous laminae. |
The origin of each tube is situated closer to the older of each two consecutive varices, and the tube is bent dorsally and slightly posteriorly. |
The fin whale is brownish to dark or light gray dorsally and white ventrally. |
The female often has a stripe along the spine and dark sides, while the male may have blue spots dorsally. |
In a cartilaginous fish, such as the dogfish, the pectoral girdle consists of a U-shaped endoskeletal, cartilaginous, inverted arch with its ends extending dorsally. |
The body is very flattened on the ventral surface and arched dorsally. |
Eye small, subcircular, subcutaneous, located dorsally at the posterior half of head. |
Pulmonary crackles were heard dorsally and bilaterally, and the coelom was markedly distended, with a palpable fluid wave and no masses. |
Application: strictly subcutaneous injection, administered dorsally in the neck in the direction of the tail, but not immediately behind the head. |
Male fore basitarsus very swollen, longer than tibia and dorsally with very long and multiserial bristles. |
Next, a 1 cm longitudinal incision is created dorsally over the proximal shaft and metaphasis of the proximal phalanx. |
Witch flounders are strongly, dorsally compressed and oval in shape. |
The rostrum is concave dorsally, terminating in an upturned acumen, median carina strong. |
Also contributing to stability are the sesamoid ligaments, which connect the metatarsal head to the sesamoids, and the hood ligament, which stabilizes the extensor tendons dorsally. |
Margin of prothorax ocher with a white spot dorsally on mesothorax, and a conspicuous black spot dorsally on A4 to A5 abdominal segment. |
Its fur is black-brown dorsally and dark gray ventrally. |
The effects of dorsally angulated distal radius fractures on carpal kinematics. |
If the cylindrical body wall is followed headward, it is found to terminate ventrally as the tongue, dorsally in the skull around the brain, ears, and eyes. |
Head lengths were taken dorsally parallel to the coronal suture from the posterior margin to the anterior margin of the frontoclypeus, excluding clypeal lamellae. |
Seeds triangular, rugose-reticulate, basally and dorsally winged, ca. |
This process progresses to the development of caput ulnae syndrome in which the carpus subluxates volarly and supinates while the ulnar head displaces dorsally. |
They are light brown, dark brown, or gray dorsally, with small spots. |
In Ichthyostega, Acanthostega, and also in Hynerpeton and Ventastega, the cleithrum was relatively reduced, though it was still a substantial dorsally extensive blade. |