When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist. |
Second, in most basal ray-finned fishes such as sturgeon and trout a single dorsal fin is present and is supported by flexible fin rays. |
The first dorsal fin has four rays, the lips are smooth and are roughly the same thickness as the diameter of the eye. |
In Drosophila larvae the paired lymph gland lobes that flank the dorsal vessel are sites of hematopoiesis. |
These early lobe-fins were fast-swimmers with a heterocercal tail, meaning that the tail fin was asymmetrical and larger on the dorsal side. |
Like all salmonids the grayling has a small adipose fin behind the dorsal fin. |
The discrepancy is most obvious with regards to the dorsal head regions, which give rise to the lateral and median ocelli. |
True roach have 9-10 rays in their dorsal fin and 42 to 45 scales along the lateral line. |
It passes between the dorsal border of the sartorius and the anterior border of the tendon of gracilis. |
The viral capsid is transported to the dorsal root ganglion in neurons via retrograde axonal flow. |
Total RNA derived from dorsal and ventral skin was reverse transcribed using random hexamer primers and MMLV-reverse transcriptase. |
Critical to the improvement of gas exchange was the restored aeration to dorsal lung regions. |
The maxilla and frontal are expanded laterally, hiding the small zygomatic arch from dorsal view. |
The ventral margin of the zygomatic arch is only slightly arched and lies dorsal to the toothrow. |
The neural and costal plates of the dorsal disk form as the outgrowths of these endoskeletal bones on inside the dermis. |
The firefish is feared by marine creatures and humans alike, due to its poisonous dorsal spines. |
Like all gobies it has two distinct dorsal fins, and a distinguishing feature of this species is that the front fin has a pale band at its top. |
There is a black lesion with conspicuously irregular margins on the dorsal surface of the body adjacent to the base of the tail. |
All dorsal sclerites are in close articulation and there are no gaps along cephalic sutures. |
Older males in particular also have tentacles on the first few spines of their dorsal fins. |
The dorsal shield was pierced by a single, large, nostril-like opening situated in the middle of the head in front of the eyes. |
Naupli have a cephalic shield or the beginnings of the dorsal carapace, and no segmentation on the trunk. |
Their long, whip-like tail has a small dorsal fin near its base and up to five venomous spines. |
Pectoral fin on upper side has black tip thought to mimic dorsal fin of venomous weever fish to deter predators. |
When disturbed, weevers erect a dark-colored and highly venomous dorsal spine. |
The length of the dorsal wall of the medial claw is approximately 7.5 cm when measured from the apex to the coronary band. |
Leafy shoots are borne adventitiously on the dorsal side of the long, creeping root. |
The dorsal psalterium of the guinea pig was electrophysiologically studied with a view to possible commissural fiber groups and their properties. |
Myxoid cysts occur as translucent, solitary, rubbery pseudocysts over the dorsal interphalangeal joint and the base of the nail or toe. |
Peripheral injury results in anatomic and physiologic changes within the dorsal horn, sensory thalamus and cerebral cortex. |
These small to medium-sized marsupials all have a dark dorsal stripe that runs from the rump to the head. |
The big grey animals with sickle-shaped dorsal fins and prominent beaks are bottlenose dolphins. |
Left anterior auricle shallow, with straight dorsal margin and obtuse, outwardly concave anterior margin lacking a byssal sinus. |
The dorsal interosseous muscles are larger than their plantar counterparts, are four in number, and fill the intermetatarsal spaces. |
The ulnar nerve also innervates the adductor pollicis and first dorsal interosseous muscles, which allow pinch. |
Most solid-color donkeys have a dark dorsal stripe from mane to tail and a dark stripe across their shoulders. |
On the stem, between dorsal and ventral lobes, are two transverse lateral rows of finely laciniated processes or leaflets. |
It is contained by four rows of plates with the plates smaller along the dorsal side, probably indicating an ambulacrum. |
The cells of the visceral mesoderm and dorsal vessel also express both genes. |
The spleen, derived from mesoderm develops in the dorsal mesogastrium and consequently moves to the left side of the abdomen. |
The spleen develops within the dorsal mesogastrium, between the stomach and the body wall. |
When disturbed, weevers erect a dark-colored and highly venomous dorsal spine, while pufferfishes, also poisonous, puff up into a ball of spikes. |
Tufted is a classical Drosophila mutant characterized by a large number of ectopic mechanosensory bristles on the dorsal mesothorax. |
They have distinct black markings on the ends of their fins, particularly the first dorsal and caudal fins. |
The zygomatic process of the squamosal is small and hidden from dorsal view by the expanded maxillae and frontals. |
The maxilla may be directly joined to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone by a dorsal extension of the zygomatic process of the maxilla. |
Second, there is a midbrain trigger, perhaps in serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe. |
The narrow border of the carapace is visible, especially at the anterior and dorsal margins. |
Colour tends to be dark grey on the dorsal surface, fading to off-white on the belly. |
They were usually present on the dorsal side and less often on the abaxial side of a seed. |
Because it is somewhat revolute, the stigmatic area is peripherally also exposed towards the dorsal side. |
The surgeon opens the arachnoid membrane dorsal to the seventh and eighth nerves and continues the opening upward to the fourth nerve. |
The oldest part of the shell, the umbo, can be recognized as a large hump on the anterior end of the dorsal side of each shell. |
Below the cervical enlargement, the dorsal rootlets, roots and ganglia diminish rapidly in size. |
The nervous system consists of a lobed dorsal brain and ventral nerve cord with fused paired ganglia. |
The dorsal siphuncles of the Clymeniida tend to be larger than the ventral siphuncles of other ammonoid clades. |
In this work, seizures were monitored by dorsal longitudinal muscle activity. |
These forms had two dorsal fins rather than one, and all the fins were supported by an internal skeleton and musculature. |
A dry eschar on the radial dorsal aspect of the hand was debrided and was covered with a split-thickness skin graft. |
Casting the cow and placing her in dorsal recumbency may greatly facilitate extension of the fetal head. |
The dorsal surface of the forearm of a sabreur in the guard of second is particularly exposed. |
Such a wasp held the fly with the middle and hind legs head forward and ventral or dorsal side up. |
At approximately the seventh week of gestation, the ventral and dorsal buds fuse. |
If either of these proteins is absent, then the motor axons select dorsal and ventral pathways randomly. |
The waves continue coupled to a series of dorsal and ventral flexions of the whole body. |
Just outside each vertebra, the dorsal and ventral roots unite to form a spinal nerve on each side. |
In contrast to the cervical vertebral centra, the dorsal centrum is shorter and more mildly opisthocoelous. |
In prolonged cases, osteophytes may occur at the dorsal rim of the distal radius or dorsal aspects of the scaphoid or lunate. |
Male Sailfin Mollies are impressive fish, decorated with a very large sail-like dorsal fin. |
The dorsal lobe of the sturgeon tai does not lead during the tail beat, and the tail is extremely flexible. |
Harboring death for its victims in each of its 13 dorsal spines, a stonefish takes its time and lies quietly on the ocean floor. |
The patient should be supine with some flexion of the dorsal spine to relax the tension of the anterior abdominal wall. |
The dorsal metatarsal, deep plantar, lateral and medial plantar, and lateral malleolar arteries are identified. |
The excretory system is composed of a dorsal excretory gland and a pair of Malpighian tubules. |
Infection with herpes zoster caused by a reactivation of varicella virus dormant in dorsal root ganglia is also common in older adults. |
These muscles are arranged as a series of parallel muscle fibers from the lateral edge of the dorsal tergite to the ventral sternite. |
The dorsal surface of each abdominal segment has a plate of hard cuticle called tergites. |
A small cross-incision was made with a scalpel on the stylar remnant, which is the end link point of the dorsal vascular bundles. |
There are three lineages of primitively wingless hexapods that lack a dorsal appendage branch, and one, the Archaeognatha, with such a branch. |
The dorsal surface of the orbitosphenoid is flat, and supports part of the frontal lobe of the brain. |
Four groups of eight rats and mouse were ovariectomized by electrotomy via the dorsal route in anesthesia. |
The coronoid process is not elevated above the level of the dorsal spur of the dentary. |
The small bowel showed 5 atretic lesions of the jejunum and absence of the dorsal mesentery. |
The cranial neural crest that migrates out from the rhombomeres of the dorsal region of the hindbrain also has a segmental arrangement. |
Although parts of the dorsal mesogastrium adhere to the posterior abdominal wall, the spleen remains an intraperitoneal organ. |
Both hindlimbs are directed outward from the pelvis, with the superbly preserved pedes exposed splayed out in dorsal view. |
At the wrist, branches of the radial artery include the dorsal carpal and first dorsal metacarpal arteries. |
The muscle inserts onto the dorsal aspect of the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal. |
Russ even mounted six small fans into the vessel's primary dorsal exhaust ports. |
Similar to the patterns on humpback whale flukes, unique markings on the dolphins' dorsal fins allow for individual identification. |
Whales have streamlike bodies with highly compressed neck vertebrae, dorsal fins, and a tail with two finlike flukes arranged horizontally. |
Those near the midline project to ventral muscle, whereas lateral neurons project to muscles derived from the dorsal muscle mass. |
Porphyria cutanea tarda presents as bullae, vesicles, and milia on the dorsal hands and forearms but does not cause muscle weakness. |
The palpebral lobe is semicircular, the eye surface in dorsal view is curved through 180 degrees, and convex in the vertical direction. |
They are distinctly flattened and rectangular to trapezoidal in dorsal view. |
In most cases, these changes were found in the ventral pancreas but not in the dorsal pancreas. |
The flippers are broad, and the tail has a folded ridge on its dorsal surface. |
Each Melibe was suspended by hooks from its dorsal integument in a chamber continuously perfused with natural seawater. |
The shape of the dorsal fin is variable ranging from low and stubby with a broad base to high and falcate. |
Beaked whales have a small, falcate dorsal fin, which is set fairly far back on their bodies. |
Flagfin mojarra has a dark marking on the dorsal fin with a white stripe just below the dark marking. |
The blood supply of the scaphoid comes from the radial artery, feeding the bone on the dorsal surface near the tubercle and scaphoid waist. |
The stimulator provides impulses along the dorsal column spinal cord which in turn sets up paraesthesia from nerve pathways. |
They get the name rooster because the dorsal fin looks similar to the comb on a cockerel's head. |
Involution occurs here, as cells divide and push other cells into the blastocoel from the top of the dorsal lip. |
An otherwise healthy 85-year-old woman presented with purulent multifocal subcutaneous nodules on the dorsal side of the right forearm and hand. |
There are 11 dorsal spines and 17 pectoral rays that help to distinguish it from the closely related Amphiprion percula. |
Display of its large pectoral and dorsal fins gives the impression of even greater size. |
A high bank angle is characteristic of penguins and sea lions which also lack a dorsal fin and turn using elongate pectoral flippers. |
Cyprinodon diabolis has 17 pectoral rays, 12 dorsal rays and 28 caudal rays. |
Look at the shape and size of the dorsal fin, pectoral fins, and the caudal fin. |
The pectoral and pelvic girdles were also greatly expanded ventrally, although the dorsal parts of the girdles were reduced. |
A cnemial crest extends along the dorsal surface of the proximal end of the tibia. |
The dorsal ligament groove is overlain dorsally and flanked laterally by the nacreous middle shell layer. |
The dorsal fold that lies on the surface of the nail is the eponychium, or cuticle. |
Theca lobate in dorsal or ventral view, with depressed, incurved interray areas. |
In the spinal cord, commissural neurons, whose axons cross the midline and link the two sides of the cord, develop in the dorsal region. |
They show a number of typical adaptations for aquatic life, such as dorsal orbits and nares and somewhat shortened limbs. |
Those found in the Indo-Pacific are considered to have the most active venom, in the modified hollow spines at the tips of their dorsal fins. |
The saphenous sometimes provides the medial dorsal digital nerve to the great toe. |
The taxon is unique among brachyurans due to its distinctive dorsal carapace ornamentation. |
The neural arches developed around the dorsal nerve cord, above the notochord. |
The smooth muscle portion of the esophagus is innervated by neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. |
Also, a dorsal turret was retained but modified to handle four.50-caliber Brownings. |
The dorsal and ventral edges of the centra are more nearly equal in width in the larger specimens. |
Haddock are typically cod-like with three dorsal fins and two ventral fins. |
The dorsal diverticulum becomes the body and tail, and the ventral diverticulum becomes the head. |
Both the Greater Weever and the Lesser Weever are capable of inflicting a sharp and painful sting from the spiny rays of the first dorsal fin. |
The ocelli on the spinous dorsal fin of males are metallic blue, surrounded by a golden ring. |
Brilliant reds and blues splotched its body and head, with similarly hued bands on its dorsal fins. |
Cysts are self evident, being soft and ballotable, and occur along the dorsal and volar aspects of the wrist. |
Threespine sticklebacks are laterally compressed, fusiform shaped fish with three sharp, erectile spines at the forward part of the dorsal fin. |
They all have, at some embryonic stage, a notochord, flanked by muscle, and a dorsal neural tube. |
Moreover, these ectopic neural tubes were patterned appropriately with respect to the notochord and dorsal ectoderm. |
The trilobites comprise a major class-level clade of extinct marine arthropods characterized by calcareous, multisclerite, dorsal exoskeletons. |
The anterior tibial may become plexiform on the dorsum of the foot, giving rise to the dorsal intermetatarsals. |
They're bigger than dolphins and seals, smaller than other whales, have tall dorsal fins and are black and white. |
Thus, at this speed, the dorsal fin supplements the thrust produced by the oscillating pectoral and caudal fins. |
This is the pattern seen in the dorsal fins of fishes, in Dimetrodon and among iguanid lizards. |
The stapedial artery originates as a dorsal branch of the second aortic arch and is a part of the carotid artery system. |
The expression in adults was observed in dorsal ocelli cells in the nerve code. |
They form a dorsal epithalamic, an intermediate thalamic, and a ventral hypothalamic primordium on each side. |
The odontophore is an unpaired typically T-shaped ossicle between and dorsal to the distal side of each mouth-angle ossicular pair. |
Also treat gently the second dorsal and fifth lumbar to influence the superficial fascia and thus influence the general circulation of the blood. |
Only crabs with more than 95 percent of the dorsal carapace exposed were selected. |
The dorsal carapace, as far as is known to the authors, has never been described from the fossil record. |
Both specimens are probably molts, as only the dorsal carapace is preserved. |
At the medullary level, the medial lemniscus is found dorsal to the pyramidal tract and medial to the olivary nucleus. |
Scales from mid-body to the tail and the caudal and dorsal fins have black spots. |
On the dorsal surface of the branch there are also two orthostichies of leaves of the usual form. |
On the dorsal side of the centrum is the neural arch, through which the nerve cord or spinal cord passes. |
A large tumor was found that originated from the parietal pleura at the dorsal site. |
In 100 cases, the dorsal scapular artery arose from the following clavicular regions. |
Paired pectoral fins and a dorsal fin were present, and the caudal fin was asymmetrical with a large upper lobe. |
First, several scientists independently launched the hypothesis that the pineal gland is a phylogenic relic, a vestige of a dorsal third eye. |
The maxilla and lacrimal meet on the dorsal rim of this fenestra in a tight, complex suture. |
Blunt-headed, it could be mistaken for a pilot whale but for its dolphin hallmark, the sharp, recurved dorsal fin. |
Hornsharks are named for the sharp spines located in front of their dorsal fins. |
Male courtship display includes extending the dorsal fin, pursuing, and eventually biting the female. |
This was usually seen on the dorsal abdomen, particularly in the region of the intersegmental membrane. |
The shell possesses a sulcus on the ventral valve and a corresponding fold on the dorsal valve and several weak plications on flanks. |
Younger crabeater seals have small specks and webs of brown or dark gray over much of their dorsal side. |
The dorsal part of APO is subdivided in two sectors and shows a cytoarchitectonic parietal pattern. |
Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation of varicella-zoster virus from a dorsal root ganglion to a cutaneous nerve and the adjacent skin. |
The corpus profile is weakly concavoconvex and there are short trails, the dorsal being strongly geniculate. |
Antennae were apparently braced to the dorsal exoskeleton near the anterior lateral corners of the glabella. |
At the end of gastrulation, the epidermis only covers the dorsal region and the ventral region is bare. |
At about midlength of the dorsal ridge of the pubis, a small pubic tubercle is directed dorsolaterally. |
The frontal forms a complex interdigitate joint with the postorbital from the dorsal rim of the orbit to the supratemporal fenestra. |
Bessie has white circular inactive ankus scars under her chin, on the neck, and dorsal areas. |
Zander are often called pikeperch as they resemble the pike with their elongated body and head, and the perch with their spiny dorsal fin. |
Tabes dorsalis involves the dorsal roots and posterior columns of the spinal cord. |
In general, its dorsal partners are the squamosal and either the postfrontal or postorbital. |
The skull is low, with postfrontal ridges and dorsal orbits, suggesting the ability to see above the water line. |
When not in use, the fishing apparatus is folded back along the second dorsal spine and tucked safely away. |
Its height above water level gives Mike, the captain, a perfect vantage point from which to scan the water for dorsal fins breaking the surface. |
Some snipefish, such as the ones on the cover, also have a long, pointed spine stretching back from the dorsal fin. |
Four of five strains tested clearly showed staining specifically in the dorsal compartment of the wing disc, as expected for apterous expression. |
A low ridge crosses the posterior surface of the blade from its medial edge to the dorsal lip of the glenoid cavity. |
The notochord is a stiff, rod-like structure that forms along the dorsal midline and eventually becomes incorporated into the vertebrae. |
Antheridia formed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the wing, while archegonia formed on the ventral surface of the anterior cushion. |
An area at the dorsal side is covered with a thin layer of surface deposits, on top of which are a few additional large deposits. |
The terminal is an unpaired ossicle occurring at the dorsal tip of the arm. |
With their long, slim bodies, they can be recognised easily by the large white tip on their first dorsal fin and the upper lobe of the tail. |
In the image shown in Figure 5, a triangular marker arrangement has been used on both the dorsal and ventral lobes of the tail. |
The sturgeon tail behaves mechanically as an extremely flexible sheet with flexible dorsal and ventral lobes following the central tail region. |
The dorsal armor may be a single plate, or may be comprised of as many as nine smaller plates. |
The dorsal fins were supported by a basal element articulating with one vertebra each. |
The dorsal ribs articulate with ends of sternal ribs which attach to the sternum. |
The dorsal margin bends medially towards its articulation with the nasal and frontal. |
Head typical of siluriforms with a dorsal process, i.e., quadrangular in proximal view for articulation with the spinal fossa. |
The anteromeclial process for articulation with the hyoid body is wide, flattened, and mildly concave on its dorsal face. |
The dermopterotic is also notable for forming the dorsal articulation of the hyomandibular. |
The electrode was directed to the dorsal hippocampus, 1.7 mm posterior to the bregma. |
However, the ventral valve of Australostrophia mesembria, type species of the genus, is weakly convex, while the dorsal is very gently concave. |
Argonauta attaches the egg-mass to the umbo of the shell near the dorsal arms, not in the mantle cavity or posterior parts of the shell. |
What effect does this asymmetrical function of the dorsal and ventral tail lobes have on patterns of water flow in the wake? |
There are moderate depressions in the lateral surfaces of the ilia posterior and dorsal to the acetabulum. |
The dorsal fin is also level with the pelvic fin in roach, in rudd it is behind the pelvic fin. |
The sailboat has a fin keel and a rudder that resemble the dorsal and pectoral fins of orcas. |
With this singular exception, the sensory or dorsal root of spinal nerves is always larger than the motor or ventral root. |
When embryos are exposed to UV irradiation on the vegetal hemisphere they are completely ventralized and form no dorsal structures. |
On the dorsal portion of the rostral face, the shell layers extend ventrolaterally from those of the protoconch. |
In Brachycephalus, there is a dermal bony shield that ossifies dorsal to the vertebrae. |
The neural spines in posterior dorsal vertebrae lack distinct lateral projections. |
Ribs curled free of the chest like those of a skeleton, and the vertebrae protruded in a line of jagged dorsal fins. |
It is apparent from the first frame that the dorsal lobe containing the vertebral column does not lead the tail beat. |
Merrill identified and located various types of bulbar respiratory neurons and identified the dorsal and ventral groups. |
The dorsal root ganglia associated with any one of the lumbar or upper sacral spinal nerves may be doubled. |
The fins have strong leading rays, which form a row of sharp spines along the dorsal fin. |
Bream have a needle sharp set of spines running through the dorsal fin similar to bass. |
Both pack a virulent poison in their dorsal spines, so you must not touch anything, even what appears to be a rock, while diving. |
Its convex, roughened dorsal surface has a mediolateral elongated oval outline. |
They were large intimidating black metalic ships with markings on their dorsal wings, like something out of a sci-fi horror show. |
Common are paired dorsal scars immediately in front of the last suture on the dorsal or dorsolateral side of the body. |
The zander has the rough feel and spiked dorsal fins of the perch, protecting small fish from predation, particularly from pike and herons. |
The reproductive system is composed of a single saccular gonad in a coelomic pouch lying dorsal to the digestive system. |
Because the dorsal body wall develops from the wing imaginal disc, data on thoracic body wall patterning are available in Drosophila. |
Apart from its dorsal fin it was immaculate and spun the scales round to 23 lb 4oz. |
Swimming results from alternate dorsal and ventral flexions of two symmetrical wing-like parapodia. |
Expression is maintained in dorsal paraxial regions where patterning is also intrinsic to the donor site of the graft. |
Instead of a dorsal fin they have a prominent dorsal hump about two-thirds of the way down their back. |
Between the notarium and synsacrum were several dorsal vertebrae that may have provided some level of dorsoventral mobility. |
Clinids tend to have more spines than rays on the dorsal fin, which usually begins close to the head. |
The ventral or under side of the animal including the belly, is lighter in color than the dorsal or top side. They can have prominent hip stripes. |
Mutant clones in the notum anlagen of the wing imaginal disc produce alterations in the pattern of medial thoracic bristles and a strong dorsal thoracic cleft. |
Reproductively active individuals may have a uniform dark gray body with pale abdominal striping and a pale margin on the spinous region of the dorsal fin. |
The two shell valves would have been rigidly fixed in place, and the dorsal margin could not have been more than a poorly elastic structure, if that. |
Proxicarpilius exhibits the weak dorsal carapace ridge at the anterolateral corner and the direct articulation of the coxa with the merus, typical of carpiliids. |
The palmer interosseous muscles adduct the fingers toward the axial line or the middle digit, and the dorsal interosseous muscles are abductors of the fingers. |
Primitively, the ventral articulation is directly below the dorsal articulation and both are located above the anterior part of the vestibular fontanelle. |
The first dorsal interosseous muscle inserts into the extensor expansion. |
In this example the dorsal side of the seed coat is slightly wrinkled. |
They have a slender body with a low dorsal hump and no dorsal fin. |
They are also aided in avoiding detection by dark bands and patches of dorsal color which act as a form of camouflage when the fish is viewed from above, especially by birds. |
Pterois volitans are differentiated from other scorpionfishes by having 13 rather than 12 poisonous dorsal spines and 14 long, feather-like pectoral rays. |
The shell is strongly inequivalve, the ventral valve being convex and the dorsal one only slightly arched, except for the fold, resulting in an almost opercular aspect. |
Wrasses characteristically have a protractile mouth, cycloid scales, and a single continuous dorsal fin lacking an obvious notch between the soft and spiny portions. |
Modern autopsy found a.36 caliber lead slug lodged in the bones of the dorsal chest, exactly consistent with the wound described by the James family. |
The body is long and snake-like, lacking caudal, dorsal and pelvic fins. |
The only other fish with three distinct dorsal fins are hakes and cods. |
The building is festooned with cartoon-like images of fish, including dorsal fins that poke out of the roof. |
As this margin inclines dorsally, it sweeps around in a distally concave arc to produce a rounded, distally pointing extremity adjacent to the dorsal margin. |
Triplefin blennies, however, as the name suggests, can be distinguished by their three dorsal fins, the first two composed of spines and the third composed of soft rays. |
Normally, new ommatidia are added at the dorsal margin of the eye, and thus the retina gradually enlarges with growth of the eye at each successive molt. |
The preservation of the delicate neural arch laminae in cervical and dorsal vertebrae further indicates that the bones underwent little transport. |
The first and last lines of Lolita make my dorsal hairs quiver, as Nabokov intended. |
Relatively misshapen and formless, the dorsal figure is perhaps even more expressive of physical torment. |
The parascapular flap encompasses that portion of the dorsal thoracic fascia nourished by the descending branch of the cutaneous branch of the circumflex scapular artery. |
Over 100 specimens of M. serendipitous exhibit part or all of the dorsal carapace, the abdomen and telson, or the thoracic sternites with some attached pereiopods. |
The part of the dorsal mesogastrium which intervened between the spleen and the greater curvature of the stomach forms the gastrosplenic ligament. |
It has silvery blue skin and a red dorsal fin that runs the length of its body. |
It begins attached to the inferior end of the stomach as a fold of the dorsal mesogastrium which later fuses to form the structure we recognise anatomically. |
Fusion of dorsal mesogastrium to the posterior abdominal wall and left kidney forms the lienorenal ligament containing tail of pancreas and splenic artery. |
In the vessels of the dorsal mesogastrium between the liver and kidney there were many hemopoietic stem cells, and near mesogastrium there were a lot of acidophilic cells. |
Details of development not expected, the concept of the liver and spleen developing in the ventral and dorsal mesogastria respectively is adequate. |
The dorsal and ventral sclerotics are the most strongly ossified. |
If a salamander is to swim straight, the action of these muscle fibers must be balanced by muscle fibers dorsal to the vertebral centra, presumably in the epaxial musculature. |
Alternatively, the isoform might be required in dorsal mesothoracic cells. |
The spleen forms from the mesoderm within the dorsal mesogastrium. |
The dorsal surface of each frontal bears fine radial striations. |
Often, a biologist need only examine the pleopods to make a family-level designation, thus making the dorsal carapace features superfluous in the diagnosis. |
Shoes with wide, deep toe boxes help prevent recurrence of hard corns on the dorsal surfaces of the toes, and wide toe boxes help relieve soft corns. |
When the arch is absent, the digital arteries arise from enlarged metacarpal arteries from the deep palmar arch or from enlarged dorsal metacarpal arteries. |
Gymnasts' wrist injury includes distal radius stress fractures, scaphoid stress fracture, avascular necrosis of the capitate, ulnar carpal abutment, and dorsal impingement. |
The dorsal fin generally was uncoloured, unspotted, and semitransparent. |
It is supported by a narrow lunate platform along the dorsal margin. |
Spemann therefore reinterpreted his dorsal blastopore lip experiment, and he felt that there was a need to do heteroplastic transplants of the dorsal blastopore lip region. |
In ray-finned fishes, however, the pallium thickens and everts, so that the initial most dorsal pallial segment comes to lie lateral to the remaining pallium. |
As the ligamental area overgrows the hinge plate, the dorsal parts of the oldest hinge teeth are resorbed and the hinge sockets are filled up with a fibrous prismatic texture. |
The dorsal surface of the medulla was exposed for microinjections. |
It had pectoral and dorsal fins with fin-rays characteristic of fish. |
This muscle arises from the sternum and sternal end of the clavicle, and may insert into the fascia of the dorsal scapular region as well as into those areas cited above. |
The presumptive neural tube tissues consist of a layer of ectoderm along the dorsal midline of the embryo, between the notochord and an outer layer of epidermis. |
For example, if a patient has a crooked nose, bulbous tip, and dorsal hump, the physician has to analyze each element accurately and explain the situation to the patient. |
The dorsal artery of the index finger may similarly, though more rarely, supply one or both of the collateral arteries of the adjacent sides of the thumb and index finger. |
Heat on the skin, for example, results in chemical and electrical signals being sent through peripheral sensory nerves to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. |
It is characterized by a deep blue-green back, silvery sides and a white belly with black irregular spots on the back, dorsal fin and both lobes of the tail. |
During the surgery, care must be taken to protect the branches of the superficial and radial nerves that dorsally overlie the first dorsal compartment. |
It relaxes the dorsal muscles and goes down to the lower back to alleviate the pain many feel after hours of sitting up and working on a computer. |
Year round, divers can swim with white tips, black tips, silvertips, grey reef sharks and other pelagics which dot the bright coral with their prominent dorsal fins. |
Further study of this technique may offer an easy to perform, office-based, non-invasive method for assessing the blood flow after arterialization of the deep dorsal vein. |
An anglerfish depends on its prey being fooled by its camouflage and by the fleshy lure into which the first ray of its dorsal fin has been modified. |
In addition, the dorsal central column of primary afferent fibers within the spinal cord appears susceptible to the inhibitory effects of hypoxia in rats. |
The delicate stria medullaris thalami can be traced backwards between the dorsal and medial surfaces of the thalamus towards the habenular trigone. |
The upper or dorsal side of the prosoma is equipped with two prominent kidney-shaped compound eyes, and in the middle a pair of small ocelli or simple eye-like sense-organs. |
It has two dorsal fins and a caudal fin or tail like that of a shark. |
These small fish are deep bodied with a long spined dorsal fin. |
There is no dorsal adipose fin present on Rhadinesthes decimus. |
The new material permits a more complete description of the organism, including more details concerning the margins, the dorsal carapace, the venter, and the chelae. |
The entire turtle's dorsal surface is colored dark grey to black, with a scattering of white blotches and spots. |
After anesthesia, the rabbits were positioned in dorsal recumbency, with hind limbs restrained and extended. |
The dorsal surface of the turtle's head has a single pair of prefrontal scales. |
The body is robust, and the animal is at its maximum girth just in front of its triangular dorsal fin. |
He subsequently underwent dorsal slit under local anesthetic to visualize and determine the extent of disease. |
To stain photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area, the cornea and crystalline cone layer of the DRA were removed using a microscalpel. |
There was a yellow spot on the posterior operculum dorsal to this line, and the preopercular area was yellow. |
Apterae are rather small, pear-shaped dorsoventrally flattened, shining dark brown to almost black on dorsal surface, which is fully sclerotized. |
Most of the length of the back, including dorsal fin and blowholes, appears at once when the whale surfaces to breathe. |
Duthie GG and L Tort Effect of dorsal aortic cannulation on the respiration and haematology of the Mediterranean dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula. |