But modern humanity did not understand the civilizing and humanizing mission of higher learning. |
I'll leave the work of civilizing this horror-soaked generation of hellraisers to the halitotic hard-cases who can handle it. |
For Dickens, the civilizing mission of imperialism meant European colonization. |
Doubtless much of their prospicience may be due to an animal instinct that has been lost to us in the civilizing process.
This is a variation on the old argument that women are some sort of civilizing force, and that is why we should be more active in world affairs. |
Maybe the cowboy in us prefers the saloon tart to the civilizing schoolmarm. |
As the article says, it is a plea for the value of manners and their civilizing influence. |
Prized for their status as original autograph works of Greek art, these images stood as witnesses to the civilizing power of Rome. |
English imperial georgics describe imperial expansion in such a way that virtuous, civilizing labor is rendered infinitely progressive. |
Like emancipated concubines, prisoners of war were enlisted to rationalize the conflict as a civilizing mission. |
The Convention was manifestly adopted for a purely humanitarian and civilizing purpose. |
Nor can we dismiss as trivial the part that gastronomy and other social conventions associated with feasting play in the civilizing of the human animal. |
For blacks to affect history, they must become civilized, and propagate civilizing reason to push history forward. |
In civilizing the voting process, the laws had obliged the parties to abandon intimidation in favour of other strategies, such as propaganda. |
Your hope is that this second form of globalization may end up by domesticating and civilizing the first. |
Molière, in one of his sparkling comedies, went so far as to recommend beauty as a civilizing force. |
That conclusion is also supported by the purely humanitarian and civilizing purpose of the Convention. |
Its public relations events are intended to bring this civilizing spirit to life, in an atmosphere of joie de vivre and refinement. |
Putin preys on the fact that the West thinks money and sport are neutral, or at least civilizing influences. |
We will not make our society more civilized by detaching one of our central institutions from its civilizing task. |
We stress the equality of each cultural tradition and recognize the value of each civilizing experience as an invaluable and integral part of the commonly shared human experience. |
Once at the cabin, Milly begins civilizing the uncouth Pontipees. |
Insofar as it had a political intention, it encouraged revival of an agriculture devastated in wars, of the old Italian virtues, and of the idea of Rome's extending its works over Italy and civilizing the world. |
Supporters of the parks movement believed that the opportunity for outdoor recreation would have a civilizing effect on the working classes, who were otherwise consigned to overcrowded housing and unhealthful workplaces. |
In this sense, the law is a civilizing force, and therefore Rousseau believed that the laws that govern a people helped to mold their character. |
Answering the first question is easy: if there's no evidence – even indirect evidence – for the civilizing value of literary fiction, we ought not to assume that it does civilize. |
There is a collective duty to enhance the civilizing potential of civilizing rational principles because of its potential to further civilize in the future, something that is intrinsically valuable. |
Federal Aviation Administration has also conducted a study about civilizing such thrust vectoring systems to recover jetliners from catastrophes. |
However, it is also an ethical imperative that reflects the long evolution of humankind towards civilizing norms that place respect for life and human integrity and dignity at the core of its values. |
Under the Atlantes' civilizing influence, the new farmers learned to domesticate animals, starting with cows and bees, hence the streams of milk and honey. |
It is from their reciprocal encounter in the marketplace that one may expect hybrid forms of commercial behaviour to emerge, and hence an attentiveness to ways of civilizing the economy. |
He is credited with civilizing the treatment of people with mental illnesses. |
Deeper down was the sense that France owed the world a civilizing mission. |
Hobbes's founding of the new, modern phenomenalist physics, and of its necessary task of enlightenment or civilizing the world, was undertaken in ignorance of this fact. |