Already the air was warm, underscored by a chatter of birdsong and the muted clop-clop from their horse's hooves. |
Alone in a suburb of the same city, my husband away, one afternoon I mistook birdsong for a person whistling inside the house. |
The clear tones of birdsong emerge from internal air sacs that can inflate and deflate, much like a bagpipe's bladder. |
Many studies have been done exploring the degree to which birdsong is innate or learned behavior. |
Despite snow on the ground, leafless trees and the distinct absence of birdsong one can sense a seasonal change. |
The preserve, wild with birdsong, was thick with robins, flickers, grackles, blackbirds, catbirds, and doves. |
No more beautiful birdsong, no more beautiful birds flying beautifully in the sky. |
Initially he proposed to explain birdsong as a display, enabling a discerning female to select a mate from among a number of males. |
In spring, birds nested in the eaves, the twitterings, cheepings and chorus of birdsong wrecking the soundtrack. |
Since the 1970s the woods have been losing their spring chorus of birdsong. |
One can listen to the rustle of woodland leaves or birdsong and view the scurrying wild animals or the graceful gliding swans. |
In a second, the air filled with birdsong, the number of birds doubling and redoubling, blocking out the sun. |
The air seethes with birdsong and the noises of farm animals tethered in back yards. |
The usual explanation for birdsong is that the birds are singing to attract mates or to announce the limits of their territory. |
Plus why oh why did they introduce unnecessary twittering birdsong on one track? |
The researchers played recordings of birdsong to lure the wrens into nearly invisible net traps. |
So birdsong is a mixture of pre-programmed knowledge of their species song and learning from older singing males. |
Probably the most distinctive birdsong that I have ever heard belongs to the white-throated sparrow. |
Listening to recorded birdsong is only one of many ways on the Internet to tune in to real animal voices. |
In the spring wild grasses are a sight to behold and there is wildlife and birdsong to enjoy. |
Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong. |
The wind in the trees, waves shushing on the shore, birdsong or the rustle of long grass. |
He could play for her any musical instrument, knew all music by heart, all birdsong, the purr, growl, snort, or whine of each and every animal. |
Listening carefully to the riparian symphony of birdsong, wind, and water, I begin to pick out some faint, clicky sounds. |
In the after-monsoon calm, birdsong again. They loll on the veranda, she sniffingat the crisp air, he puffinga cheroot. |
When moving to allow ships to pass, it plays the sound of chimes and birdsong as coloured lights flash. |
Once the pottery filled with water just blowing more or less hard to imitate birdsong. |
Did you know that sounds such as birdsong, footsteps, and leaves rustling in the wind are some of the first to fade away unnoticed? |
Following conversations, hearing high-pitched voices or sounds of nature such as birdsong can be challenging for people with hearing loss. |
Even if you're not an avid bird watcher, you'll love Broome's golden chorus of birdsong. |
Usually I'd choose to stop at points where I was hearing more birdsong. |
The violinist plays the opening bars of a Mozart sonata, and the unaccustomed cadences and harmonies of classical western melody are like strange birdsong. |
We recommend that you take your time and enjoy the countryside, the birdsong and the fresh fragrance of the tall pines. |
Yet while they sing naturally, songbirds are also trained by their owners, who spend many hours whistling tunes at them, or playing birdsong on tape as examples to follow. |
In place of the brattle of riveters' hammers you now hear birdsong. |
What would a summer day be without birdsong, or an autumn walk without the rustling of leaves? |
The sky above is clear and blue, the grasslands lush and green, but there is no birdsong, no buzz of insects, no sign of anything living but the ones walking with him. |
The faint whistling of birdsong awoke Marcs as it crept into his cell. |
These poems are as heartless as birdsong, as unmeant as elm leaves, which if they love love only the wide blue sky and the air and the idea of elm leaves. |
Around them dappled sunlight, birdsong and the whirr of busy wings. |
I sleep under a thatched shelter and mozzie net in the middle of the jungle, waking to birdsong and a man on a bicycle with a tea tray. |
Screened from all but the envious eyes of aerial neighbors, New Yorkers with backyards awaken to birdsong and the occasional rabbit and entertain by the light of tiki torches. |
In it, he celebrates love, the pleasures of wine, and the beauty of birdsong and bemoans faithlessness and the onset of old age. |
The morning mist has yet to dissipate, and a trickle of birdsong broken by the oar's gentle splosh are the only sounds. |
At 4:30 a.m., in the clear chill, the birdsong is so overwhelming that you have to whisper out of respect for someone else's space. |
All the essential components of Messiaen's art are united in the score: Gregorian monody, birdsong, modes, communicable language. |
Shamo evokes an image of that region in tones that are often restrained and contemplative, opening himself up to nature, to the light, to birdsong. |
If it had to have a sound, it would be a birdsong. |
I enjoyed watching the ducks, moorhens and geese, sunlight reflecting off the still water, and birdsong in the trees and bushes lining the route. |
Submarine gurglings gradually surface, birdsong chirps, piano and harp snuggle nocturnally as we move towards a magical ending. |
Messiaen experienced different colors while listening to chords, birdsong, and music, referred to as synaesthesia. |
Stories filled with observations of background details like the weather or birdsong can easily become dull — or, conversely, poetically overwrought. |
Camp, wake to birdsong, swim on deserted beaches and smell fragrant rainforest air on Hook, Long, Cid, North and South Molle Islands to name a few. |
And his defence has always been, 'Well, do you enjoy birdsong? |
Punctuated by birdsong and sparkling brooks, the second movement sketches a striking portrait of country life onto which for just an instant the village musicians are grafted. |
Working with wildlife sound recordist Geoff Sample, Coates placed 14 microphones in woodland to record birdsong early one morning in Northumberland. |
The Synesthesia project, as it is known, saw participants using birdsong recordings to create prints, collages and paintings during a series of workshops. |
Birdlife International published a report that found many birds are shot, captured in nets or trapped after being lured with recordings of birdsong. |