After installing the five noise-reduction baffles, the noise level measured 101 dBA with background level of 95 dBA room average. |
Air cooling depends heavily on the condition of baffles, or seals, inside the engine compartment that direct air flow to where it's needed. |
Why certain ceramic compounds become superconductors at relatively high temperatures still baffles the world's physicists. |
Its efficient design baffles the gas flow delivered to the ball for a gentle push against even the most fragile shells. |
The catalyst baffles the gas and assists in the rapid heating of the gas passing therethrough. |
He found that with an earthen backstop and overhead baffles angled at 90 degrees, rounds were escaping the range facility. |
He quits his job only to come back, albeit reluctantly, when a series of grisly murders baffles the police force. |
Air was directed to the spark plugs, magnetos, distributors and to the cap baffles of the turbosupercharger. |
Within the country as a whole though, the antipathy towards the party baffles me. |
There were more baffles, ducts, and brackets with metal deflectors to cool that engine than you could imagine. |
Appropriately placed baffles ensure that the light is integrated by many bounces before it reaches the detector. |
My nannites have commenced repair work but my sensor baffles have been compromised. |
He baffles hitters with an awkward delivery, a hard fastball and a Frisbee slider. |
The use of pea gravel on the range floor collected lead dust and created uncontrollable ricochets, while rounds penetrated the overhead baffles. |
The internal combustion engine is an integral component of a vehicle and one that baffles many people. |
Eventually we began scoring the proportion of flies in the remaining unstudied lines that successfully caught themselves on the baffles. |
The tortuous passage restricts or baffles the gas flow out of the glass assembly. |
In the event of a case failure, these baffles would prevent most of the escaping gases from coming down the lug raceways. |
The fuel tank incorporates baffles to prevent fuel slosh and to keep the pump submerged. |
So, all in all, it baffles me that more British anglers don't hunt out asp specifically when they're travelling abroad. |
They may come out with some piece of conceptual art that baffles everyone. |
It baffles the precedent division given by the mouth-and-foot disease as it hits both Atlantic and Pacific zones. |
They protect against the sun as well as acting as acoustic baffles and light reflectors. |
They, in addition, protect the push-rollers. The rubber baffles fit in less than no time. |
Gone are the cumbersome hinges, the inelegant baffles and the little glass pane. |
Can be aggravated due to the application of baffles or fish passage structures. |
It baffles me that these remarks are still heard in a province where there has been a Francophone presence for 500 years. |
These came complete with integrated baffles and special cowls to prevent light pollution and overspill. |
To allow more time for settling, newer septic tanks feature one or more baffles or dividers to slow down the passage of wastewater from inlet to outlet. |
These comforters are considered to be three-season weight and the filling is held in place with the use of sewn in baffles which prevents the silk from moving and bunching. |
Silencing baffles with frame profile in nozzle design for substantial reduction of the pressure loss. |
The viewing screen can be shaded to an extent from the sun or other directional light sources, by means of baffles, but the basic problem remains. |
What baffles me about not only this article, but millions like it, is that people who obviously know nothing about a subject nonetheless spout off about it. |
I'd like to find something low mount that baffles the noise down. |
My pool equipment sits in a large concrete pit below ground, which hides the apparatus equipment from the landscape, and baffles the noise created by the electric pump motor. |
He offered an innovative design solution which incorporated the use of low-angle overhead baffles, concrete floors, wing wall baffles and a bullet trap system. |
Based on this data, we added baffles to optimize the light aperture within the spectrometer, thereby eliminating unnecessary rays while maximizing optical throughput. |
As the projectile leaves the muzzle the high velocity gases following the projectile strike the baffles of the muzzle brake and are deflected toward the rear and sides. |
This baffles me — and I am an inveterate sniffler and blubberer at sad films. |
They can be used as acoustic baffles along roads and railways. |
Modulating vertical panels of deep blue fibreboard, under windows hooded with sunshading wind baffles, spiral up, expressing the rising levels of the interior rooms. |
Mr Brown's reluctance to set foot on continental soil baffles and frustrates the French. |
Only undamaged rubber baffles, suiting the paver type, can prevent spilling of mix. They, in addition, protect the push-rollers. |
Low-maintenance base-hinged masts and Rhea floodlights with integrated baffles were the ideal solution. |
They give vent to passions so exclusively girlish that their intensity baffles mere males. |
This baffles diplomats from other countries, for whom a stint in Brussels is vital if they want to be promoted. |
Some building-supply stores now sell cardboard or foam plastic baffles that can be stapled between the rafters. |
This reactor is equipped with a twin-paddle agitator and a system of baffles to promote good mixing. |
The column was sectioned in height by four rows of horizontal baffles made of several angle bars. |
Seal the baffles slots and the enclosure perimeter in order to avoid air leaks. |
No baffles are present between sprinkler heads. |
An electro-techno musical configuration taking cues from the 90's, which simultaneously fascinates and baffles with their unique approach of cyclically remolding and recycling fashions and trends. |
These baffles were conducted to control the Itza borderlands, to obtain valuable resources such as salt, cacao, vanilla, achiote and to take sacrificial victims for their gods. |
Mr. Speaker, to go back to my professor who said that BS baffles the brain, and he meant a Bachelor of Science, I do not think the parliamentary secretary knows what the heck he is talking about. |
Had the tanks been equipped with baffles or had they been compartmentalized or puncture-resistant, and had self-sealing bladders or foam inserts been installed, the quantity of fuel released could have been restricted. |
Nuclear reactor internals especially designed or prepared for use in a nuclear reactor including support columns for the core, fuel channels, thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates, and diffuser plates. |
This includes any design which involves the use of baffles, fish stops or diverters. Certain designs may only function well under a narrow range of flows and may be susceptible to debris accumulation, or sedimentation. |
In the hydraulic mining of gold the rebounding stream of water and mineral fragments is directed into sluices in which the gold settles behind baffles but the lighter waste matter is washed away. |
Mufflers of early design contained sets of baffles that reversed the flow of the gases or otherwise caused them to follow devious paths so that interference between the pressure waves reduced the pulsations. |
The crew members used their shucking aprons to block engine-room ventilators to cut off the supply of oxygen to the fire instead of closing the baffles fitted for that purpose. |
In all this, perhaps what baffles me most is the fact that video games are still considered the blood-splattered playground of the inscrutable yoof. |
Highly suitable for support baffles or tube sheets in evaporators and heat exchangers or mechanical parts that must operate at elevated temperatures. |
It completely baffles me, because in order to have any credibility to represent our people, we have to be following a leader who bases decisions on principle and integrity. |
They have an amortization period, which baffles almost everybody. |
This is achieved by installing antisneakage baffles in the top, bottom, hoppers, and sides of the precipitator casing. |
The drops between adjacent baffles should be a maximum of 200 mm. |
The fuel system and fuel tanks are not protected from accidental damage nor are there systems such as baffles or bladders in those tanks to mitigate fuel spillage if the tanks are ruptured. |
As with most tanks on locomotives in use in North America today, they do not contain bladders or baffles to minimize fuel spraying or loss in the event of a puncture. |
During turbulent flow, the baffles enhance the random motion of molecules and formation of eddies. |
The A400M features deployable baffles in front of the rear side doors, intended to give paratroops time to get clear of the aircraft before they are hit by the slipstream. |
A range of strategies have been attempted to address the difficult conditions at entrances, including air curtains, overdoor heaters, lobbies, revolving doors and baffles. |
Tanker trucks use baffles to keep the liquids inside from sloshing around. |
Indoor ranges usually have a back wall with a sloped earthen berm or bank, with reinforced baffles additionally situated along the roof and side walls. |