Sentence Examples
A year later, Bosnian, Mandarin, Thai, Mien, Tagalog, and Lao had been added. |
Levy is attentive in his attempts to distinguish one group from another, Hmong from Mien or Vietnamese. |
Other Austro-Tai speakers include the Austronesian-speaking Moken and small groups of Hmong and Mien in Shan State. |
Jonsson provides an intriguing example of how local ethnicity and national integration are contested through sports competition and games among the Mien of northern Thailand. |
Mien was blindsided by former classmates who went public with stories about his racist antics in college. |
Of course all meals come with a side of rice, chow mien, and your choice of an egg roll or soup. |
And the traces of this absurdity are visible in the mien of our politicians. |
All customs and immigration officials we met smiled at Rebecca and stamped our passports with a happy mien. |
So, assuming the mien of a lion, I sit in the open, hiding my coward's heart. |
He had a unique-shaped nose that was neither large nor small and laugh lines around his interesting eyes that added to his playful mien. |
Open champion or not, he has the dignity of a true champion, the mien of a monarch. |
She's relaxed and friendly, and it's easy to slip into casual conversation and away from the professional mien if one is not paying attention. |
If I could finally hone the mien, I could probably pass for a member of the golf club. |
Yet, again, I could not escape that there was something about her eyes, something terribly alert and competent that defied her physical mien. |
Even as he gazed upon her fear-glazed features, a frown of recognition touched her mien, and it seemed to him then that he could hear her thoughts. |
Ever the courtier alert to the slightest imperfections in his outward mien, the Earl is accustomed to checking his physical appearance in the glass. |
He delivers his declaration not with reckless bravado but with a dignified, quiet, middle-management-lifer assurance, in keeping with his general mien. |
On Saturday afternoon, as we were walking home from the river with Nik and Andy, I passed a bloke with purposeful mien carrying a cake in the shape of a dalek. |
Terror had still not uncovered to the full its beast-like mien. |
I was relieved to see his face slip into its impassive mien. |
I am taking some small pride in my impassive mien when particularly hard gusts push the boat over further, or rogue waves wash through the cockpit. |
In the case of the CPA press conference you could see the disappointment on their faces and in their mien even if they asked a reasonable question. |
Somehow, however, this Supermom and professional prodigy squeaks through most dramatic reversals with a cheerful and optimistic mien. |
Elegant, minimally clad mannequins view passersby with an arrogant mien. |
Sitting close beside it, taking the air with an infinite sadness of mien, like some disconsolate prisoner, Utterson saw Dr. Jekyll. |
Examples from Classical Literature
Jem Three, scuffing barefoot through the sandy soil, met this radiant dream-maiden with the exalted mien. |
Then bowing at the bhikshu's feet, with grateful mien, he wended homewards. |
Among Europeans, and the aborigines of our own continent, a noble mien is not uncommon. |
Romanised in mien, he wants but the flowing toga and sandalled shoon to shine as a centurion. |
However, I did my utmost to bear a cheerful and contented mien, for killjoy is but a poor friend. |
Then he got into the cab with the same mien as he would have ascended the scaffold. |
There was in Albrecht's mien something which was new to Erna, and which affected her profoundly. |
Kirkwood turned to meet her onslaught with a mien grave, determined, unflinching. |
Though her mien was in general haughty, she flattered Zenobia, and consummately. |
There was something about this courier's mien and person that awoke a poignant memory. |
An armed body of National Guards was haling to the Section headquarters a man of determined mien. |
I gave her a pat on the chin scarcely consistent with my aged and tottering mien and proceeded to shamble painfully to my room. |
It was his wife, Petronille, still young and passing handsome, but of atrabilious and harsh mien. |
Then, heralded by an obsequious guard, came a great man, proconsular in mien and gait. |
He was a fine, tall, portly man, with a lion-like mien and a powerful voice. |
Her back was toward him, but the garb and mien proclaimed one, not a permanent resident of the village. |
Otrepiev was shaken by the tsar's manner, by the ferocity of his mien. |
And yet he stood in awe of that Virgin, so like a princess in her mien. |
At that Rabecque stepped towards them, very purposeful of mien. |
Beardsley cocked his head and listened, his mien almost beatific. |
Mother Hubbard began to look about her with the mien of a housekeeper. |
Finally Menelek restored quiet by the simple expedient of a frown, whereupon each loyal guest exchanged his mirthful mien for an emulative scowl. |
As he uttered these monstrous words, he assumed the mien of Ajax, expecting to see the lightnings descend upon his head. |
They were all tall, clean-limbed men, fierce and independent of mien. |
Abandoning everything to the greedy grasp of those around her, the mother darted, with distraction in her mien, to reclaim her child. |
He desisted at last and looked back at us with a mien of anger. |
The words were barely uttered, when he encountered a savage of gigantic stature, of the fiercest mien. |
This self-praise he utters with a mien of ironic desperation. |
He was a good stout knight, but sorrowful of face and downcast of mien. |
In the midst was seen A lady of a more majestic mien, By stature and by beauty mark'd their sovereign Queen. |
There I encountered a sacristan of about fifty, and a man dry and cold of mien. |
With shamefaced, submissive mien he sheathes the thin, gleaming blade. |
A man was introduced of simple mien, who had the appearance of a tradesman. |
But, is there not just a faint suggestion of smugness in her mien? |
There was falling into his mien somewhat more of staidness and sobriety. |
They shuffled, pushed, had an irresolute mien and stolid faces. |
His mien was that of the skulking, timorous, famished vagabond. |
Seeing the man gesticulate with imploring mien, and perhaps also recognising the officer who accompanied him, his Highness ordered his carriage to stop. |
His garmenture was that of the ordinary Malay boatman, but there was that in his mien and his attitude toward his companions which belied his lowly habiliments. |
I was touched by his gentle tone, and overawed by his high, calm mien. |
When we love, by some noble method of our own or some nobility of mien or nature in the other, we apprehend the loved one by what is noblest in ourselves. |
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