Not known or familiar
“The result remained unknown until the day after the conclusion of the poll.”
Not previously encountered
“The lovable Jefe was played by Tony Plana, an actor unknown to me at the time.”
That has not (yet) been discovered, especially of a location
“Moe then wanders around Dumpland like a gap-year twunt marveling at the picturesque poverty of unknown lands.”
Having an unknown or unnamed identity
“Four years into his apprenticeship, Pip is provided with money by an unknown benefactor.”
Not famous
“The Turner Prize has a history of turning unknown artists into multi-millionaires.”
Not to one's knowledge
“Unknown to me was the fact that it was very difficult to access training unless you worked in the industry.”
Never done or known before
Open to discussion or argument
Secretive in nature
Significantly or brazenly odd or bizarre in nature
Not clearly defined in expression or meaning
Mysterious or difficult to understand
Having never met (someone)
Having too many to count
(obsolete) Not used to an event or thing
Not explainable by physical laws
Concealed, surprising, and unanticipated
Isolated, especially from civilization or society
Unable to be measured, calculated, or determined
A non-famous person
“Asma was a relative unknown in the culinary scene at the time but was determined to make a name for herself.”
A foreigner or newly-arrived person at a given place
An unlikely winner or competitor in a contest or struggle
A mere possibility or unknown quantity
Something uncertain, ambiguous or doubtful
Something unrevealed or difficult to know
Regions, districts and small settlements outside large urban areas
An absence of anything
Related Words and Phrases