Having a sweetness of taste
“Other jam flavors like apricot or raspberry also work well, contrasting the sweetness of the peach.”
The state or quality of being personable or pleasant in nature or manner
“He is touched by the sweetness of the old lady and keeps her company for the rest of the evening.”
The state or quality of having a kind of thoughtful manner or nature
“The sincerity in her attitude, the sweetness in her actions, the purity of her heart, all somehow manifested before the eyes of the judges.”
The quality of being attractive, especially in an adorable or cute way
“That poor woman has gone through something that none of us can even fathom, yet she retains sweetness in her looks, and a very smooth and attractive voice.”
The quality or state of being smooth in sound, tone or melody
“He seems to have reveled in the sweetness of the melody, and to have sported with his sorrow in the music of the lines.”
The state or quality of being fresh, pure or wholesome
“Standing on the veranda, I breathed the sweetness of the air. Cloves I could smell and cinnamon, roses, and orange blossom.”
(of produce) Soft or tender by reason of ripeness
A strong, zesty or pungent taste
Property of being luscious
A pleasant or aromatic smell
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