A dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan
“There was a silence as he served the stew from the small iron pot.”
A disorganized assortment of things
“I think Malvo's motivation was a lot more complex, a whole stew of things he didn't understand himself.”
A combination or blend of various elements or things
“Imagine the film as filtered through the lens of an epic anime series, then blended into a stew of Hindu, Buddhist, and Shinto mythology.”
A state of being nervous, anxious, or irritated
“Getting himself into a stew about what others think of him is very unhelpful for Bill.”
A typically loud state of activity or disturbance
“The traffic then bogged down in a noisy stew of honking cars, smoke-belching buses, and locals on ancient bicycles.”
A building in which women of the night ply their trade
“Although the women were permitted to sit at the door of the stew, they could not solicit in any way nor chide or throw stones at passersby.”
A feeling of great displeasure or anger
A state of uncertainty, hesitation or puzzlement
The quality of being multiform, or having many forms
Dish consisting of a combination of cooked food
An inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake
An inconvenience, or the fact or state of being inconvenienced
Airline host or hostess
The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something
Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain
Water or liquid in which food has been boiled
(confrontational or angry) An exchange of diverging or opposite views
To slowly cook in liquid
“I employed Lydia's help to cut and stew some apples for dessert.”
To remain in a heated or stifling atmosphere
“Stranded passengers were left to stew under the hot sun, an experience sufficient to turn one away from rail travel for life.”
To worry or agonize about something, especially on one's own
“Marshall went home but continued to stew over his loss.”
To cook for too long or at too high a temperature
To steep in a liquid so as to extract the soluble constituents (usually medicinal or herbal)
To enter a daydream state temporarily, for instance as a result of boredom, fatigue, or intoxication
To feel emotionally upset
To use the powers of the mind logically and methodically
To bother or annoy someone
To feel great anger or annoyance
To stifle or hold back an emotion, memory, etc.
Related Words and Phrases