Plural for one of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates
“The officer approached the assailant who was coming out of the house with a wooden stave.”
Plural for one of the bars or rounds of a rack, rungs of a ladder, etc.
“Place the end of one of the lines under the top stave of the ladder, and slip it over the end or top of the ladder side.”
Plural for a verse or stanza, especially of a poem
“Let us chaunt a passing stave, in honour of that hero brave.”
Plural for a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal
Plural for a solid wooden or metal post with a point at one end
Plural for a structure that complements or supplements something else
Plural for a chunk of a solid object
To avert or delay something undesirable
“Most interestingly, counterrevolutionary regimes may undertake pre-emptive reforms in an attempt to stave off the possibility of revolution.”
To break something by forcing it inwards or piercing it roughly
“Open now, or I'll stave in the door.”
To collapse inward or downward
Related Words and Phrases