Deliberately causing a delay or obstructing progress
“The stalling tactics employed by the opposing team infuriated both players and spectators, prolonging the already intense match.”
Causing or tending to cause deliberate difficulties and delays
Intended to cause delay or waste time
Lack of decision or purpose
Artful maneuvering to avoid direct answers or commitment
The action or state of not functioning
Aimless or unproductive activity
A deliberate policy of obstructing something, especially a political process or body
Present participle for to hinder or impede the progress or movement of
“Those scrutinizing the design may raise questions about potential problems that could stall the project.”
Present participle for to bring to a halt or stop
“We joined the traffic in the Easter Parade and managed to stall the car in front of the news cameras stationed across the street from St. Patrick's Cathedral.”
Present participle for to speak or act in a deliberately vague way to gain more time to deal with something
“She stared at the note, desperate to stall for time so she could offer a comforting response to Julia.”
Present participle for to hold or stave off an event or occurrence
“This committee is set up to prevent or stall for as long as possible the reaching of a decision.”
Present participle for to stop operating or functioning
“Wet spark plugs and cables short out, causing the engine to stall.”
Present participle for to pause in indecision before doing something
Present participle for to postpone or assign to a later time or date
Present participle for to evade the truth, typically by being ambiguous
Present participle for to move or act at a slow speed
Present participle for to spend one's time in an aimless, idle way
Present participle for to cause to come to a stop or end
Present participle for to extend or draw out, typically a period or duration
Present participle for to be, or become, inactive or unchanging
Present participle for to stuff or fill completely or excessively
Present participle for to delay action until a particular time or event
Present participle for to fail to function or succeed
Related Words and Phrases