A ductless vascular gland, located in the left upper abdomen near the stomach
“In the spleen of the rabbit, the compound lobules are very frequent.”
A feeling of anger or resentment towards someone or something
“The Dunblane boy chose to hit a backhand and vent his spleen by complaining about the high expectations of the British media.”
The state or fact of being ill-tempered or in a bad mood
“Maybe this is why you're here, so an old lady can vent her spleen.”
A feeling of great displeasure or anger
“She'd been determined to vent her spleen upon finding him, but now she wanted to heal him.”
A desire or propensity to cause hurt or harm to (someone)
“But the main characteristic of the assassin's motive and act was partisan spleen and political dudgeon, chafed and inflamed to murderous purpose.”
A feeling of animosity, hostility or bitterness towards someone
“He found himself carried away by the inveterate spleen between the two nations of England and Scotland.”
Related Words and Phrases