To break suddenly and completely
“The rope was threatening to snap under our combined weight.”
To say something quickly and irritably
“Our coach then began to snap at the referee over the highly contentious call.”
To suddenly lose one's temper or self-control
“He would suddenly snap at Manu, telling him to hurry or they would be late for their afternoon classes.”
To emit a sudden, sharp cracking sound
“As the marching bands played their music, the country's flag would snap in the breeze.”
To take a photograph or snapshot of
“She would regularly snap pictures of her cats in a variety of hilarious poses.”
To fluctuate from one condition, form, level or state to another
“We advised her to snap out of her extremely negative frame of mind.”
To bite at, especially audibly
“Having your dog growl or snap at you can be a scary experience.”
To make a fizzing, popping sound
To make or cause to make a short, sharp clicking sound
To bounce off a surface or other object
To tease, typically in a good-natured way
To make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises
To say something in response, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner
To represent by a drawing, painting, or other art forms
To give, or cause to give, a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement
To remove or take out, especially with effort or force
To hit with a quick stroke
To take possession of something, especially forcibly
To stop operating
A simple or easy task
“The written test will be a snap. It's the driving that scares me.”
A sudden, sharp cracking sound
“He was trying to pluck the elusive thread from his sleepy reverie when a loud snap jolted him into full flight-or-fight mode.”
Vigor or liveliness of style or action
“The low-fi beats work well, with plenty of snap, while the frantic drum and bass loops assault your ears with real ferocity.”
A photograph or picture
“The photograph enclosed was a holiday snap of a lady looking back over her shoulder on a riverbank and laughing at the photographer.”
A sudden brief spell of distinctive weather
“A snap of cold and wet weather will give rise to pneumonia in calves, so stay vigilant.”
A period of frost or very cold weather
“In January of 2004, New England underwent its worst cold snap in 20 years.”
A very small or insignificant amount
“Vivian spoke sarcastically with a snap of venom in her voice.”
A sharp or resounding hit or blow
A device that mechanically fastens
A very short or brief period of time
A sudden quick movement
(film) A scene or sequence recorded without interruption
Ability to bounce back, recover, or adapt calmly in the face of challenges
A jerking or buckling motion
Done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice
“After the Cubs lost Game One of the 2016 World Series, he made a snap decision to travel to Cleveland to see Game Two in person.”
Very easy or involving minimal effort
“Somehow, he was given credit for a course for merely reading the text and passing a snap exam.”
Done quickly without deliberation
Used after the same thing is said by two people simultaneously
Related Words and Phrases