Lacking in speed
“We walked at a slow speed as we were not in a hurry.”
Lasting or taking a long time
“The evolution of humankind has been a slow process that occurred over hundreds of thousands of years.”
To be running behind schedule
“Progress on our project has been slow due to several delays.”
Not predisposed to understand, think, or learn
“You might have to explain the situation to Alexia several times as she is rather slow.”
Boring and rather dull in nature
“The terribly slow plot caused many to leave the cinema before the movie had even ended.”
(slow to) Feeling hesitant about doing something
“Many were slow to voice their disapproval for fear of reprisals.”
Lacking energy, liveliness or animation
“Business is usually slow during the night shift.”
(of a place) Lacking in progression or development
“It was a slow and isolated town that had remained largely the same for decades.”
Characterized by sluggishness or weariness
Taking place or progressing at a slow or moderate pace
Slow in acting or speaking
Incapable of, or indisposed to, quick and effective action
Slow and clumsy because of great weight
Proceeding by regular steps or gradations
Requiring effort or labor
Unsteady or awkward in one's movements
Feeling physically unstable due to dizziness
Of teaching intended for slow learners
To cause to proceed or move at a slower pace
“Unfortunately, every company has employees that actually slow the productivity of everyone else.”
To live or work less actively or intensely
“I had a rest after my workout to allow my heart rate to slow.”
To reduce the rate or velocity of something
“Our car would slow to a halt after it ran out of gas.”
To postpone or assign to a later time or date
To diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
To diminish the price, value or amount of
Moving or proceeding at a notably slow speed
“The bus was moving slow, and we were all getting impatient.”
Delayed or running behind
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