Of an important nature
“This is a serious matter which requires your immediate attention.”
Grave in manner or disposition
“He looked serious as he began the daunting task of doing his taxes.”
Thoughtful in manner or disposition
“So, Drew and Otto left the fort, Drew carefully holding his wrapped bundle, and Otto looking serious and deep in thought.”
Requiring considerable thought or reflection
“Please give some serious consideration to my request as it will really make a difference to me.”
Meriting, or tending to provoke, deep reflection
“This is a serious film that explores the impacts of climate change.”
Significantly worrying in nature
“He suffered a serious leg injury after an accident while skateboarding.”
Having earnest intentions
“The president was serious when he claimed to be committed to improving the economy.”
Abundant or plentiful in quantity, amount or extent
“Harland made serious amounts of money selling fried chicken in Kentucky.”
Not to be laughed at
“Stop laughing. This is serious!”
Not easily answered or solved
“We have some serious bugs in this computer program.”
(informal) Truly meaning something said that was outrageous in nature
“You want to go on a donut diet? Are you serious?”
Dangerous or full of peril
Marked by a likelihood to threaten the safety of a person or persons
Interesting enough to be reported as a news
Requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
(of a literary work) Overly serious or difficult
Having a pedantic, scholarly manner, as of a college don
Without artificiality or insincerity
Having a calm and serious manner or disposition
Significant in degree of importance or urgency
Following carefully and exactly a set of rules
Determined to achieve something at all costs
Significantly large in size, amount, value or degree
Having the mournful, sombre character appropriate to a funeral
Causing or liable to cause death or tragedy
Used as an intensifier
Intended for, or likely to be understood by, only a small number of people
Having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
Not excessively showy or lively
Affectedly proper or serious
Of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
Very unusual or remarkable
Hopeless, incapable of being cured (of some negative quality)
Very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
(of a person) Strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior