Hardly or barely at all
“While it certainly addresses that trickiest of topics, it can scarcely be considered a novel, at least in any conventional sense of the term.”
Certainly not, in no way
“This is scarcely the way in which an English gentleman would proceed.”
Seldom, or only very occasionally
“Although it is scarcely hot enough for a siesta, there is a break of one and a half to two hours at noon.”
Not noticeably, too small to be detected, too little to be perceived
To a certain extent
To a smaller extent or degree
Used to emphasize something surprising or extreme
Adverb for very low in amount or level
“Coastal land resources are scarce because of high demand and low supply.”
Adverb for significantly below an amount or level that is adequate
“Seasonal price fluctuations have not been as large due to scarce supplies.”
Adverb for small or improbable in degree
“These limited professional options resulted in only a scarce chance of finding actual employment.”
Adverb for not present or included when expected or supposed to be
“Firewood was strangely scarce in these public campgrounds.”
Adverb for happening at irregular intervals
Adverb for in danger, or at risk, or extinction
Adverb for significant in importance or esteem
Used to express refusal
Used to indicate that something is quite the opposite of what is being specified
Related Words and Phrases