On the loose (running away)
“The police bulletin described the runaway chicken as a white leghorn, wearing a flea collar with a silver tag attached.”
Not restrained or held in check
“Such a mix of policies would normally lead to runaway inflation.”
Wild or out of control
“The evidence seems to me to preponderate very largely in favor of the fact that the immediate force which caused the injury to this woman was the runaway horse.”
Very successful, especially in terms of sales
“So many books are published each year, and you really don't know what's going to become a runaway bestseller.”
Denoting something happening or done very easily or quickly
“At the beginning of the year, the general election was expected to produce a runaway victory for the Independence Party.”
Clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity
Having treacherously changed allegiance
A person who has run away, such as from their family or an institution
“When she realizes the hitch-hiking boy is a runaway who's been severely beaten, her caring for him brings into focus the future course of her life.”
A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles
“The discovery of his authority parallels Crusoe's transformation from apostate and runaway to successful planter and merchant.”
A person who lacks courage
A person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed
A pupil who stays away from school without leave or explanation
Someone skilled at escaping
An easy victory or achievement
Related Words and Phrases