In an independent manner, without assistance or co-operation
Adverb for having distinct limits or boundaries
“Activities shall take place only within the restricted area.”
Adverb for limited or restricted in space or extent
“Such a narrative speaks to the difficulties of navigating around, and living within, a restricted space and how this can erode a sense of personal control and self-determination.”
Adverb for regulated or controlled
“He was now placed on a restricted diet consisting of 1 lb. of lean chop or steak, taken at breakfast and dinner, three or four pieces of gluten bread, and from 7 to 8 pints of skim-milk, daily.”
Adverb for off-limits, with restricted access
“The restricted area shall not be open to swimming, fishing, water-skiing, mooring, or anchorage.”
Adverb for secret or confidential in nature
“If that is a restricted document, Commander, why would you send it to your private office?”
Adverb for hampered in progress or movement
“Areas of general concern include the restricted progress of bilingual pupils.”
Adverb for marked by a low amount or deficiency
Adverb for insular in one's views, opinions or outlook
Adverb for depending on other factors
Adverb for forbidden or not permitted
Adverb for physically imprisoned or incarcerated
Adverb for having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
Adverb for having the characteristics of a clique
Adverb for referring to devices, typically weapons
Adverb for uniquely connected with someone or something
Adverb for prohibited or restricted by social custom
Adverb for being in a disadvantaged or compromised state
Adverb for restraining behavior or appetite
Adverb for excessively bound by administrative procedures or regulations
Adverb for too embarrassing, offensive, or shocking to be spoken about
Adverb for relating to or constituting a particular form or dialect of a language
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