A portion of an object or of material, especially when produced by cutting, tearing, or breaking the whole
“My mother would then cut me a small piece of the apple pie.”
An item used in constructing something
“We are missing an important piece required for completing the assembly of our machinery.”
A written, musical or artistic creation
“The piece conveys the sense of an urgent, fully focused formal sensibility at work.”
A written work of journalism
“He was determined to write a piece in the local journal on the joys of working in Denver.”
An instance or example of something
“We question the value of this piece of advice in the otherwise useful protocol.”
An area of land
“This piece of land is up for sale.”
A financial share
“Theoretically, staff will work harder if they can envisage themselves owning a piece of the organization they work for.”
A figure or token used to make moves in a board game
“Adam moved his chess piece and leaned back, satisfied with the way the game was progressing.”
A weapon that uses explosive powder to propel a projectile often made of lead
“It looks like he may be carrying a piece under his duffel coat.”
A short official statement or broadcast summary of news
A thing that is complete in itself
A small piece or amount (of something)
A succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
A short comic performance
A young woman or girl
(dramatic role, song, or piece of music) An act representing something that already exists
A material thing that can be seen and touched
A small amount of food that is eaten in a hurry or in a casual manner
An artistic work or creation
The state of being a proprietor or having possession of something
A flat section, piece, or part of a larger object
Material placed within a different material in the form of a decoration
A dramatic work for the stage or to be broadcast
Very brief broadcast statement
An actor's part in a play, film, etc.
A painted picture on canvas
A stake or involvement in an undertaking or venture
An individual sheet of glass in a window
Any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess
Small piece of chocolate
A thin, narrow strip, fastened to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building
A small hard particle of a substance, such as salt or sand
A thin, flat piece of material made of cloth, paper, metal, etc.
A three-dimensional work of art, usually created by sculpting, carving, molding, or casting
A small and particularly interesting item of gossip or information
A fictitious prose narrative
A widening or extending piece of fabric used to reinforce or insert in a garment
A particular appearance or quality
A rubber or plastic device that goes into a baby’s mouth to calm or quiet it
The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
Something previously memorized that is publicly recited
A period of time
(piece together) To put together using parts or materials
“You can piece together a quilt from these colorful patches of cloth.”
To develop or bring about the existence of (something)
Related Words and Phrases