Supplementary, subsidiary or accessorial in nature
“A port is a slot on the computer where you can attach a peripheral device.”
Minor or unimportant, especially when compared to the larger whole or part
“You know you're watching a bad zombie film when the zombies are peripheral to the suggestive outfits, time-and-space-defying stunts, and deliriously obnoxious soundtrack.”
Irrelevant or extraneous to the whole or the main or most important part of something
“While every chapter makes reference to crucial historical markers, it offers a limited amount of names and dates that might be peripheral to the topic discussed.”
Relating to or situated on the edge or periphery of something
“Gone are the straphangers and the miracle seekers, those frail souls on the peripheral edge who cared little but for their own needs, wants, and desires.”
All around or nearby a particular place or thing
“The council is very strict on what is acceptable within the peripheral properties.”
Relating to or situated on the outside of something
“The proposed green area, peripheral to the city, was supposed to become a strategic infrastructure for life quality.”
Located far from a given point, location or place
“The most peripheral suburbs are actually less likely to grow in population than those located 10 to 20 miles from central city borders.”
Relating to or affecting the nerves
Located outside, or away from, a city or town center
Unconventional, or outside of the mainstream
Furthest from a center
A supplementary device attached to a main device or machine
“If you're still using one of these as a peripheral to your laptop, you need a USB-to-serial converter.”
A thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important
Small device to be used with a computer
A part or element of a larger whole
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