Miscellaneous items or things
Generic appellation for objects
“He was holding a strange object which he used to gently poke and prod at the obese cat.”
The matter from which a thing is or can be made
Plural for a goal or purpose
“The object of Pilates is to improve your fitness and health.”
Plural for a person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed
“These events symbolize a process of transformation, in which the hero has to strive to attain the object of his desire.”
Plural for an object, be it a thing or an agent, as contrasted to a class
“These are the stitches which hold a flow of television together as an object for study.”
Plural for an agent or someone who has the power to control the outcome of something
Plural for a thing that is complete in itself
Plural for a consideration for or reasoning
Plural for a subject or topic being addressed
Plural for a small showy ornament or piece of jewelry
Plural for a material or product that can be bought and sold
Plural for the main focus or subject of a visual composition
Plural for artistic artifact formed by molding or casting process
Plural for an object or trinket believed to have magical powers
To express one's opposition to or disagreement with something
“I'm afraid that I'm going to have to object to eating Brussels sprouts for the third day in a row.”
To complain or express discontent in a wearisome manner
To disregard the rules and refuse to conform
To form a mental image of
To express a different opinion
To criticize or express disapproval of
To become excitedly upset or angry
Related Words and Phrases