Superlative for tentative or unsure in acting or speaking
“Life is the only inspiration for Kundan Shah in an industry hesitant to accept his films.”
Superlative for slow in acting or speaking
“But there was one family member very hesitant in coming forward.”
Superlative for reluctant to proceed due to doubts or uncertainty
“Caldwell was hesitant to proceed due to mines in the water.”
Superlative for bashful or lacking in confidence
“This once shy and hesitant child, for whom the curriculum was difficult to access, began taking on new roles in the classroom.”
Superlative for inarticulate or faltering in speech
“Progressive nonfluent aphasia is characterized by nonfluent, agrammatic, and, at times, stuttering and hesitant speech.”
Superlative for showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
Superlative for cautious and having possible reservations
Superlative for unwilling or with reluctance
Superlative for not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
Superlative for not complete or absolute
Superlative for not welcoming or friendly
Superlative for showing little enthusiasm