Superlative for perfect in condition, without any imperfections or defects
“He had black hair, bright green eyes, flawless tan skin, and a perfect build.”
Superlative for without mistakes or errors
“Without her flawless rendition of Russian transliterations, this work would still be uncompleted.”
Superlative for very good in quality or standard
“Guerrero was on top form that night, and it was a privilege to see his flawless skills in the flesh.”
Superlative for beyond reproach, blame or fault, especially morally or ethically
“In his own testimony, Ramanja Rao stressed his flawless record of service at Nellore.”
Superlative for uncontaminated, undirtied, pure, clean, immaculate
Superlative for unable to be disproved or argued against
Superlative for of excellent quality or condition
Superlative for accomplished and skillful in execution
Superlative for exact in correspondence or adherence to something
Superlative for not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material
Superlative for reliable and unfailing
Superlative for robustly built and durable
Superlative for of the greatest possible degree or amount