Superlative for possessing a subtle or delicate beauty or elegance
“Looking exquisite in her long black velvet tight-fitting dress that outlined her almost perfect body, Elena felt elated to share in the festivities.”
Superlative for having an impressively refined or lavish quality or character
“Stylish ambience complements impeccable sushi and other gourmet delicacies, together providing an exquisite dining experience.”
Superlative for extremely good or impressive
“A great raft floated, and on it was a superstructure of exquisite workmanship designed and executed exquisitely to the imperial exquisite specifications.”
Superlative for made or done with great precision or intricacy
“The displays reflect the exquisite tailoring that is Givenchy's trademark.”
Superlative for having a fine or airy texture
“There were also court gowns, made of exquisite silk and covered in rich embroidery.”
Superlative for intensely felt
“It surely must be the most exquisite torture to be a centrist who is also a patriot.”
Superlative for cultured or refined in one's manner or preferences
“Despite having exquisite taste in art and decoration, Droga was a bit of an offal-eating, culinary ignoramus.”
Superlative for free from flaws, defects or errors
(colloquial) Superlative for pleasing or delightful to the eye or mind
(of a place or state) Superlative for ideal or idyllic
Superlative for having or showing great perception or insight
(of one's senses) Superlative for sensitive or perceptive to changes
Superlative for causing or creating excitement
Superlative for delicious and pleasing to taste
Superlative for perfectly clean, neat, or tidy
Superlative for having or imbued with supernatural powers, attributes or qualities