Superlative for physically separated or split into pieces
“The divided piece of dough moves along a conveyor belt and drops off into sets of hardened steel rollers which flatten the dough piece into a pancake.”
Superlative for in a state of disagreement or disharmony
“The experts were divided as to whether the transmission of cyber weapons across neutral territory using such a network is prohibited.”
Superlative for representing only a part or fragment of a whole
Superlative for wavering between different opinions or actions
Superlative for of, pertaining to, or caused by factions
Superlative for relating to a section or group within a community
Superlative for physically separated or split into pieces
Superlative for forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself
Superlative for capable of being divided or split
Superlative for appearing in serialized or sequential installments, especially in literature