Superlative for rather rude in speech or manner
“It was a long, drawn-out, and boring evening with terribly rude and abrupt service.”
Superlative for having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked
“He was a broad, muscular young man, with a rather abrupt manner.”
Superlative for direct or forthright in speech or manner
“The doctor took credit for extricating himself from Alice's abrupt question about the cost of the apartments.”
Superlative for brief and to the point
“A simple "Yes" was his brief and abrupt answer.”
Superlative for sudden and unexpected in nature
“The heady progress of Liszt's career was brought to an abrupt halt by the unexpected death of his father in 1827.”
Superlative for characterized by great severity, intensity or suddenness
“Within the last ten years, there has been an abrupt change in the public attitude from apathy to alarm.”
Superlative for acting or done hastily and without forethought
“The association made the abrupt decision to leave the protest movement in December 2011.”
Superlative for not flowing smoothly, especially of speech or writing
“Iris watched as his expression darkened and his speech became more abrupt.”
Superlative for so steep as to be almost vertical
“The ground angled suddenly upward, and he staggered as the abrupt slope surprised him.”
Superlative for not anticipated or predicted
Superlative for happening or done before the usual or expected time
Superlative for haughty or arrogant, especially in one's disregard for something
Superlative for producing or consisting of convulsions
Superlative for characterized by abrupt stops and starts or an irregular course
Superlative for with or involving direct confrontation with someone