A unit of time equal to sixty seconds
“The meeting will start in a minute.”
A very short time
“Listen, you hang round here for a minute while I switch everything off, and then I won't have to come upstairs again.”
A point in time
“It's amazing how your life can turn in an instant, one minute being down in the dumps, the next on cloud nine.”
(usually "minutes") A summarized record of the proceedings at a meeting
“He had not made a minute of the meeting or recorded it in his diary.”
A note or annotation
A period of time
Extremely small in size
“The surface is ideally structured to handle rapid diffusion of gas and minute particles in the air.”
Occurring or existing in very small numbers
“Others consistently receive only minute amounts of rain, a condition that sharply limits their agricultural potential.”
So small as to be insignificant or trivial
“I revive from the boredom of following Bloom's mind through the minute trivialities of his unexceptional movement.”
Having, including, or paying attention to many small details or features
“Husserl points out that the success of this analysis depends on a minute analysis of intuitive acts in general, such as perception, phantasy and memory.”
Done or made with, or characterized by, care and precision
“What follows is a minute examination of the characters, sentiments, and incidents contained within this novel.”
Not detectable or too small in magnitude to be observed
Unlikely in chance or probability
Resembling or consisting of dust or powder
Detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements
In accordance with the truth, facts or standards
Uncomfortably small or restricted in size or space
Devoted completely to one object
Thoroughly scrutinizing or inquisitive, especially in a disconcerting way
Having or showing great perception or insight
To write in a memo or the minutes of a meeting or event
“This role can be shared between members, who can take it in turns to minute the meeting.”
Related Words and Phrases