A contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport
“It is expected that the better team should win in any given match.”
Someone or something that resembles, or corresponds to, another
“I managed to find an exact match for the vase that I broke.”
One of a pair of things
“She rummaged through her drawers, shoving aside haphazard piles of knit shirts to find a match to the sock in her hand.”
(usually following a superlative) Someone or something that complements another well
“Their peppery taste is also a great match for mild-tasting dishes.”
A marriage, or the union of two people in a relationship
“This is truly a match made in heaven between two people who are genuinely in love!”
A person or thing that is equal to another in quality or strength
“At the peak of his prowess, nobody would be a match for his combination of skill and competitiveness.”
A person viewed in regard to their eligibility for marriage, especially as regards class or wealth
“Her parents considered him to be an unsuitable match for their beloved daughter.”
A heated conflict or struggle for something
A similar feature or aspect
A violent confrontation or struggle
A tool used to start a fire
Two people or things of the same sort considered together
(informal) Two people who are having a relationship with each other
A person considered desirable as a partner or spouse
An opponent or adversary in a conflict or contest
A (formal) discussion on a particular matter where opposing arguments are put forward
A slender wax candle
Activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children
To make a (successful) match or pairing
“As a recruiter, it is my responsibility to match the right person to the right job.”
To succeed in reaching or equaling (a standard or quality)
“The results didn't exactly match the outcome I had envisioned.”
To correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect
“Your shoes match perfectly with your dress.”
To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together
“I'm struggling to find a clean pair of socks that match in my dresser.”
To agree, to be equal, to correspond to
“Statements from both witnesses match, which suggests that they are telling the truth.”
To cause two or more events to happen at the same time or rate
To simulate, imitate, or make a replica of
To make uniform in application or effect
To be fit for
To regard or state that (someone or something) is like another person or thing
To be similar to in appearance or structure
To respond to a gesture or action with a corresponding one
To compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something
To bring into competition or conflict with
To adapt to a given environment or standard
To assign to a particular class or category
To enter into marriage
To function in a complementary manner with
To be close, adjacent, or nearly reach a specific limit or quality
To be able to sufficiently meet the requirements of
To confront or come up against
To fulfill or satisfy the terms or conditions of
To ward off or put up an opposition to (an attack)
Related Words and Phrases