(of the elements) Harsh and severe
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Solid and resistant to pressure
“The glass would fall and shatter on the hard concrete floor.”
Requiring a great deal of effort
“It's hard work trying to get a good photo of my children who won't sit still.”
Forceful in nature
“The children delivered several hard blows to the pinata with their sticks.”
Difficult to comprehend or decipher
“This crossword puzzle is too hard for me to solve.”
Difficult to bear
“A recession was predicted, and the populace braced themselves for hard times to come.”
Tough and exacting in one's expectations or treatment of others
“The drill sergeant was a hard man who was constantly barking instructions loudly at his soldiers.”
Able to withstand hardship
“It was grueling work, but he was a hard man and nothing fazed him.”
Hardworking in nature
“I feel lucky to have a group of hard workers in my team.”
Unquestionable or indisputable
“We must rely on hard facts to reach a determination as opposed to the whims of those with vested interests.”
Based on fact
“I will need some hard information on this matter, and not just something you made up.”
Confronting or thought-provoking in nature
“His life was a mess, and it was time to ask himself some hard questions about the choices he had made.”
Established and not subject to change
“These are the hard rules of the establishment that you must abide by.”
Bitter or resentful in nature
“He still harbored hard feelings toward those who had wronged him in the past.”
Unwavering from one's opinion or persuasion
“Despite evidence to the contrary, he refused to change his hard opinions on the matter.”
(of liquor) Having an intoxicating nature
“I try to avoid drinking too much hard liquor as I do not enjoy being over-inebriated.”
(of drugs or narcotics) Strong or potent in nature
“His life was ruined once he started using hard drugs.”
(of the elements) Harsh and severe
“This year's winter has been particularly hard.”
Having exact and discernible limits or form
Unintelligible and not able to be understood
Able to withstand difficult conditions
Not easy to please or satisfy
Very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
With little or no rainfall or humidity
Denotes the effectiveness or dominance of a particular action
Having a tough, hard texture like leather
(typography) Of a kind of typeface having dark, heavy strokes, used especially for emphasis
Hard but liable to break easily
Having a physique with well-defined muscles
Made unpalatable or inedible by cooking for too long
Experiencing or showing doubt or skepticism
Harsh or grating in quality or character
Characterized by poverty or a lack of productivity
Never relaxing or slackening
Full of knots, knotty
Showing or feeling strong dislike or disrespect
(of a liquid) Having turned into ice as a result of extreme cold
Haughty, unsympathetic or unwelcoming in nature
Having an irregular or uneven surface, edge, or outline
Enlarged and rigid
Laid with a hard and solid material like stones
Decaying or no longer fresh
Brazen or flashy in nature, character or appearance
In a raw, natural or unrefined state
Of considerable importance or seriousness
Only a short distance away or apart in space or time