(of a speaker, theory or argument) To understand the meaning of
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To move behind in the same direction
“We know where the bar is, so follow us.”
To pursue in order to keep track of, or to apprehend, someone
“Follow that car, and don't let them get away!”
To stealthily trail or watch
“The detective would quietly follow the suspect, hoping not to arouse his suspicion in the process.”
To physically go along with
“My dog would follow me on all of my hikes through the backcountry.”
To act according to specified rules
“Please follow the company's code of conduct while you are employed here.”
To carry out a set of instructions
“Follow the detailed directions on the back of the box to toast your pop-tarts.”
(follow from) To occur as a consequence
“A revolt would follow from the president's decision to raise fuel taxes.”
(of a speaker, theory or argument) To understand the meaning of
“Well, if Einstein couldn't follow string theory, me on the couch with a bag of potato chips won't either.”
To take as a model for emulation
“Stevie Ray Vaughan's guitar playing technique would heavily follow Jimi Hendrix's style.”
To make one's way via a given path or trail
“To get to your destination, just follow this road to the end, and then turn to your right.”
To succeed one's predecessor in a given position or role
“He had many fresh new ideas and was excited to follow his father as head of the family business.”
To occur or follow after, or as the consequence of, something
“There have been no other known incidents of alleged misconduct that follow the original lawsuit.”
To take an active interest in or be an avid supporter of
“When I was younger, I was a great fan of basketball and would follow the Chicago Bulls.”
To keep informed of
“As an accountant, it is my job to follow the latest financial laws.”
(of music) To perform an accompaniment to
“The drummer started with a funky beat, and the other musicians would follow accordingly.”
To look at closely or with interest
To move or proceed further along a path or course
(internet, social media) To befriend or follow someone on a social media platform
To exist or occur together or at the same time
To participate or engage in a given activity
To be consistent with expectation
To automatically track a target
To adapt to a given environment or standard
To be affiliated with
To be positioned (at intervals) along the side of something
To choose to take up, follow, or use
To have a preference or liking for
To record or document an account or timeline of
To look at and interpret letters or other information that is written
(basketball) To put the ball directly downward through the hoop
To fulfill a desire, demand or need
To bring into competition or conflict with
To take part in
To make or design (anything) from something that serves as a pattern
An act of putting the ball forcefully downward through the hoop
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