To reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce to
“High winds are blowing off topsoil and sands which expose undiscovered sites.”
To reveal one's true nature, especially unintentionally
“The embarrassing incident would expose some of his deepest insecurities.”
To display or show (something) for others to see
“Marshall knew he only had one shot to expose his genius at rapping and was determined not to let it go.”
To make (someone) aware of (something)
“Social media would expose me to a range of interesting ways of looking at the world.”
To discredit or ridicule something through the exposing of facts or information
“Some clever folks would expose the alleged footage as a fake.”
(expose to) To cause to be vulnerable or at risk
“I trust he will take the necessary precautions and not expose himself to danger.”
To declare loudly, openly or publicly
To come to an awareness of something
To discover something, either by chance or intention
To suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly
To harm the good reputation of a person or thing
To demonstrate or expose the falsehood of something
To show (someone) to be involved in something unsavory or unlawful
To serve as an example of
To present formally for discussion or consideration
To tell on someone (to an authority)
To free from misconception, deception or error
To mark out as having a particular (typically negative) quality
(trip someone up) To detect or expose someone in a mistake or inconsistency
To sacrifice someone to danger or criticism
To expose, induce, or provoke heightened awareness or sensitivity
To excavate or dig out (a hole or hollow)
(occur to) To reveal to one's mind or thoughts
To subject to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior
To ventilate or allow air into
To appear or be visible
An illuminating realization or discovery
A previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others, usually surprising
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