Plural for a continuous low humming sound
“The atmosphere of the site was filled with the monotonous drone of the prime movers and the intimidating noise of the crashing trees.”
Plural for a lazy person who does no useful work
“The characters are Murachaig, an industrious youth, who goes forth to gather fruit, and Menachaig, a lazy drone, who stays at home and eats it.”
Plural for a person who lives off others
“The Administration's proposal is, in reality, a cynical appeal to the stereotype of the welfare recipient as a shiftless drone living off pork chops at the taxpayer's expense.”
Plural for a person consigned to drudge work
“He did not want to be liked, much less engage in some ritual with a menial drone.”
Plural for a prolonged, deep, reverberating sound
Plural for an insect, typically one that collects pollen and produces wax and honey
Plural for sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance
Plural for a continuing sound that is unchanging in pitch and without intonation
Plural for a wind instrument, typically consisting of a single tube with holes along its length
To make a continuous low humming sound
“The noise from the washing machine continues to drone in the background.”
To speak tediously in a dull or monotonous tone
“How is anybody able to drone on about the same boring subject continuously the way they do?”
To waste or spend time idly and unfruitfully
“He was an old man and not ambitious, content to drone away his life.”
To speak in a low or barely audible voice
To speak in a slow, lazy way or accent with prolonged vowel sounds
To resonate, throb or pulsate
To utter with a musical or prolonged note(s) or tone(s)
To speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings
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