Adverb for emotionally or mentally troubled
“You're clearly distressed about your marriage, but has the marriage actually broken down?”
Adverb for in a state of panic, agitation or fear
“The cat with the can on its head is obviously distressed and freaking out, and the owner isn't helping at all by loudly laughing.”
Adverb for overcome with deep or intense sorrow
“Dan was most distressed with the news of Rog's death. He'd known Rog since high school and convinced him to join the National Guard where they served together.”
Adverb for suffering from, or characterized by, financial difficulties
“Embedded in the idea of Appalachia as a distressed region, moreover, were unsettling questions about the American economic system as a whole.”
Adverb for having, or causing, physical pain
“She stepped aside from the field of battle against a creature she definitely couldn't win against, especially with a distressed knee.”
Adverb for faded or worn, sometimes deliberately for aesthetic reasons
“I love the faded and damaged look of distressed jeans.”
Adverb for characterized by anger and resentment
Adverb for embarrassed because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations
Adverb for liable or tending to weep
Adverb for generally causing distress, anguish or anxiety
Adverb for having been subjected to oppression
Adverb for feeling irritable, bad-tempered, or grumpy
Adverb for conscious of, affected by, or revealing a feeling of guilt
Adverb for worn, torn, or ragged, as if into rags
Adverb for causing distress or embarrassment
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