Far away in space or time
“In effect, the wormhole connects two distant points in space to form a shortcut.”
Located in a remote or inaccessible location
“One woman lived in a distant village, and she and her son often dropped in on us on the way to the market.”
Separated or placed apart
“These men are cultured and intelligent, their minds deepened by suffering and reflection, detached from things and almost from life, as distant from the rest of the human species as if they already belonged to posterity.”
Long ago in the past
“There is considerable evidence that present-day organisms have developed from different organisms in the distant past.”
Different or distinct in some respect
“Even though Earth and Mars are two very distant worlds, Earthlings are doing some incredible stuff on the neighboring planet.”
Visually indistinct or unclear
“Normality itself seems but a distant memory as the monster learns to speak our language.”
Having a slight or remote resemblance, relationship or quality
“The steep roof and sloping dormer show its distant link with vernacular buildings in Europe.”
Cold or unfriendly in nature
“If he was so close and warm at the beginning, and now he's distant and cold, there must be a reason.”
Being preoccupied with one's thoughts
“I don't like the way her mouth is hanging open, or the distant look in her eyes.”
Unlikely in chance or probability
Of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own
Of a sizeable measurement from one point to another
Arrogantly superior and disdainful
Pertaining to a distant or future period
Low in volume or barely audible
Alone or isolated in time, place, or position
In a distant, indicated place
In addition to what has been stated
Related Words and Phrases