Least good or favorable in comparison
Superlative for offensively coarse or rude
“Many of the guests failed to find them funny, and their humor wasn't improved when Baddiel resorted to crude jokes involving hamsters.”
Superlative for distasteful, crass or vulgar in nature
“Rice performed in tattered clothes and offended sensibilities with his crude mannerisms, uncultured speech, and insinuating gestures.”
Superlative for constructed in a rudimentary or makeshift manner
“It certainly seems audacious for me to have constructed a crude replica of myself, a slash of arrogance and self-indulgence which does not befit a robot of my relatively humble position.”
Superlative for executed with a minimum of skill or ability
“The early tribes passed their crude skills of tool making, spinning, weaving, agriculture, and architecture to each succeeding generation.”
Superlative for having a natural crudeness or roughness
“Ankamama, an old man crippled in the war, makes weapons with the available material in his crude workshop.”
Superlative for in a natural or unrefined state
“The bulk of exports are crude oil, refined products, and natural gas liquids.”
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